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ExpandDrillDown in parts

edited December 2011 in General
Hi Nico, fine friend?

Nico, I'd like if is possible, expand drill down details in report in parts.
I'm created a custom TppReport Component where in preview report I add
to Export to files (pdf, rtf, ....) and two buttons to Report that have a
Drill Down Configuration. One to expand and other to colapse.
I'd like know if I can expand and contract levels in parts of the report,
where each click to expand throughout the report expand a level, and so on
to finish the levels. The same would happen to hide the details.

Its possible?



Eliseu Corrona.


  • edited December 2011
    Hi Eliseu,

    I'm doing well, thank you.

    You can expand individual subreports using the ExpandAll property. If
    you are creating a custom previewer, take a look at the
    TppViewer.PaintBoxClickEvent for what happens when a drilldown component
    is clicked. You would need to do something similar with your button clicks.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited December 2011
    Hello Nico, okay?
    Thank you for your tip. I did a check on the event code, but I not could do
    I wanted.

    I will cite an example to try to better explain. Supposing I have 3 levels
    of detail in my report. In preview of the report I will have two buttons. A
    button to expand and other to hide details.

    The idea is that when I click the "Expand" button, it makes the expansion
    only the first level. If I click again in "Expand Button" expands the
    second level. The same goes for the method to hide.

    Exists the possibility this functionality be implemented in native code of
    Report Builder? I think that is a interesting option.

    Thanks friend.


    Eliseu Corrona
    JB Software Ltda.

  • edited December 2011
    Hi Eliseu,

    Unfortunately this is not a feature of ReportBuilder drilldowns.
    Drilldown subreports rely on a specific drawcommand click events to
    expand and regenerate the report. Take a look at the
    TppViewer.PaintBoxClickEvent routine for how this is done.

    You could possibly do something similar in your button click to expand
    only certain subreports.

    We will consider enhancing external drill down control for a later
    release of ReportBuilder.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited December 2011
    Hi Nico, thanks for your answer.
    Without problems Nico, I will TppViewer.PaintBoxClickEvent again and try
    create other samples. I understand this method but not could
    do that I wanted.

    Is a good new the possibility this feature exists in new versions of Report
    Builder. Is a intersting feature.

    Thank you again for your help.


    Eliseu Corrona.

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