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AV when scrolling mouse in XE2

edited December 2011 in General

I'm busy porting my app from Delphi 2009 to XE2. I'm using the following
code to scroll the mouse-wheel in TppViewer:

ReportViewer.ScrollBox.VertScrollBar.Position :=
ReportViewer.ScrollBox.VertScrollBar.Position - (WheelDelta div 5);

The above code worked perfectly with Delphi 2009 but i'm getting an AV in
XE2 as soon as I use the wheel to scroll.

I'm using the latest version of Reportbuilder and Delphi XE2 (Update 3).


  • edited December 2011
    RB 14 introduces a new scrollable page preview. The vertical scrollbar can
    be used to scroll through the pages, the pages are generated in a background

    One option is to modify your code to call Viewer.VerticalScroll like this...

    Viewer.VerticalScroll(WheelDelta div 5);

    Another option is to set Report.PreviewFormSettings.SinglePageOnly to True,
    and then the old single page preview is used. This will preserve your old

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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