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Problems with version 14

edited January 2012 in General
from version 14.01 to 14.02:
1. big gray rectangle on upper left corner of preview form during the
generation of preview of report
2. no row counting on lower left status bar, only Accessing data....
3. sometimes (7 from 10) export to file ends with access violation error or
with some error of dataset (version 14.01 was OK) - it is especially with
more than 1 page

Version 14
We have problems with some of ours reports: "Static height detail band
cannot fit on page".
It is report with one subreport in group header band. Main report has
PageStyle and subreport too.
If the subreport is empty or if I delete PageStyle in subreport, print is
In version 12.05 is OK without any changes of definition.



  • edited January 2012
    Hi Roman,

    1. This is not a known issue. Please send a simple example
    demonstrating this behavior to support@digitial-metaphors.com in .zip
    format and I'll take a look at it for you.

    2. There is a patch available for this. Mention this patch in your
    email and we'll send it to you.

    3. This is not a known issue. What file type are you exporting to.
    Does this occur with every file device? Are you able to recreate this
    with a simple example?

    PageStyle: Also not a known issue. Please send an example.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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