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Problems with version 14

edited January 2012 in General

I am experiencing problems with some reports in RB14. In RB12 they worked
like a charm. The problem happens on several reports when go to the next
page. The report I'm trying now has 270 pages.

When you click on the button to go to the last page then it doesn't work
anymore. If you click on the outlinenodes and you go too far to the end
then it doesn't work anymore... You can still click on outlinenodes but
they don't change the page, you can also click on next or previous but it
doesn't do anything, nor does entering a page number. It's stuck on the
page where you clicked LAST page.

HOWEVER: when you click next page and do this for 269 times then it works
and then you can go to the first and last page without problems and also use
the outlinenodes without a problem.

There is no possible way I can put this in a small example project. This is
the most complex report and it contains 5 subreports and 8 data pipelines.
It also contains several TableGrids.

One time I got an general exception message when I clicked last, this is the
call stack:

:008fce37 TppReport.RequestPage + $13F
:009b1653 TppPublisher.DoOnPageRequest + $5B
:009b2282 TppDevice.MakePageRequest + $56
:008de5b4 TppPageRequestThread.ExecuteReport + $6C
:008de539 TppPageRequestThread.Execute + $31
:0048ed45 ThreadProc + $45
:00409016 ThreadWrapper + $2A
:004c5593 CallThreadProcSafe + $F
:004c5600 ThreadExceptFrame + $3C
:7c80b729 ; C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll

Could you also send me the source code of the last TableGrid which is
compatible with XE2 and RB14. I asked this already several times in a mail
to support.

Thanks in advance,

Stijn Verrept.


  • edited January 2012
    Some more info;

    I have another report in another project where I get the access violation

    This is the call stack, this report also worked flawless in RB12.

    :00d4aa2b TppDataPipeline.DoOnTraversal + $3
    :00e21843 TppEngine.StartPage + $C7
    :00e153a7 TppPublisher.DoOnPageRequest + $5B
    :00e15fd6 TppDevice.MakePageRequest + $56
    :00d663d0 TppPageRequestThread.ExecuteReport + $6C
    :00d66355 TppPageRequestThread.Execute + $31
    :00407fde ThreadWrapper + $2A
    :7c80b729 ; C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll

  • edited January 2012
    Hi Stijn,

    Are you using the latest version of ReportBuilder 14.02?

    When are you clicking the last page button? During generation, first
    pass, any time?

    Does this behavior only occur on certain reports or all the reports you
    try? If you remove any grid pack components, do you still receive the
    errors? Since you are unable to create a simple example you will need
    to simplify your report to try to isolate the problem
    components/settings in order to track down the issue.

    For the time being you can set the PreviewFormSettings.SinglePageOnly
    property to True to get up and running again until we solve this issue.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited January 2012
    Yes latest version 14.02.

    I click after all the pages are generated. I'll try to see if I have this
    same problem with a simpler report without tablegrid and I'll try the
    SinglePageOnly setting.

  • edited January 2012
    With the SinglePage setting on 2 out of 3 of the reports print like before.

    I noticed in one report that it works with the SinglePage setting off but
    you have to wait before clicking on the last page button. If you click too
    quickly you don't get any result and no matter which outlinenode you click
    the page remains on the same, you need to close the report before it works
    In the second report it never works with SinglePage setting off, no matter
    how long you wait before clicking the last page button. If you go page by
    page till the end (270 pages) it does work however. Last time I got a
    general exception in which the call stack was this:

    :006c71c8 TDataSet.FindField + $8
    uDMRizivInvoices.TDMRizivInvoices.FetchSeniorData($80B3BB0) (this is in the
    :009deae3 TppBand.DoBeforeGenerate + $1B
    :008d5eea TppEngine.GeneratePage + $E2
    :008ccc46 TppSubReport.GenerateSection + $30E

    The last report never works no matter which SinglePage setting. For this I
    would request from you to send me the GridPack for RB14 XE2.

    Kind regards,

    Stijn Verrept.

  • edited January 2012
    Hi Stijn,

    There is a patch available that should resolve the last page button
    issue. Send an email to support@digital-metaphors.com requesting the
    patch and I'll send that and the latest version of Grid Pack as well.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited January 2012
    Great, does this also fix clicking on an outlinenode which is near the end?

  • edited January 2012
    Hi Stijn,

    The patch temporarily fixes the issue of the report loosing navigation
    control when selecting last page (or a large page from the outline)
    while the report is generating.

    You mentioned that you have a report that fails whether the report is
    generating or not. I would be interested to see this in action as we
    have not been able to recreate this here as of yet.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited January 2012
    Hi Nico,

    I also tried to contact you by phone, could you first send me the GridPack
    and patch (I send the mail to support yesterday), I'll try with those and if
    the one report still doesn't work I'll get back to you.

    Kind regards,

    Stijn Verrept.

  • edited January 2012
    Hi Nico,

    Please send me the patch + GridPack, I still haven't received anything...

  • edited January 2012
    Re-Sent. Please update your safe senders list to include the
    digital-metaphors.com domain.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.