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Reusable subreports

edited March 2013 in Subreports
I am trying to implement a range of reports that combine several different
subreports. I read previously that templates is the way to go and I so far
have had some success with this approach. However although I am using a
subreport for each included report in my main report (to set the position of
each included report) the order of the included subreports changes when I
run the report. Any suggestions as to why this may be?

My main report detail band consists of the following:

- ppSubreport1
- ppDBImage1

I load templates for the two subreports, assign their jit pipelines and then

the output is in this order:

- image
- subreport1
- subreport2



  • edited March 2013
    When subreport.PrintBehavior is pbChild (the default) you can use
    ShiftRelativeTo to specify the ordering. For your example, place DBImage1
    inside a Region. Set Region1.ShiftRelativeTo Subreport1 and set
    Subreport2.ShiftRelativeTo Region1.

    When subreport.PrinterBehavior is pbSection the subreports generate in
    z-order. Use BringForward/Send Backward to adjust the z-order. The z-order
    is displayed by the report tree on the left.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited April 2013
    Thanks for the tip - I will give it a try.

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