Just installed RB 14.08 for Delphi7. I also use Infopower's Richedit.
When I attempt to follow the Richedit installation directions I get
the message
Never Build package 'rbrcl147 must be recompiled.
Any thoughts on what I need to do?
This issue is likely caused by an older .dcu or compiled package still
on your machine. I suggest performing a corrupt install cleanup on your
machine then reinstalling ReportBuilder. Once this is done, try to
install InfoPower RichEdit support again and see if the problem persists.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
is there any reason why the lists of pipelines and fields in the
designer is not sorted by default? Every time after a update I insert in
TppDataPipelineList a call to 'sort':
procedure TppDataPipelineList.BuildList;
// Why is the list not sorted by default?
Sort // <--
One thing you might want to consider. I'm running WIN7. In one of
steps you have users search the hard druve for any occurrance of da*.*
. On my machine that retuned over 3800 files that had 'da' in the file
name, i.e. the number of files made it impossible to find any left
over Report Builder files. Dont know how you would over come this MS
search 'enhancement' but if you could it would make things
easier for anyone else that needed to clean up a Corrupt installation.
On Mon, 21 Jan 2013 13:37:44 -0700, "Nico Cizik (Digital Metaphors)"
Glad you got it working and thanks for the feedback. We should probably
change the article to search for da*.pas, da*.dcu, etc. files to filter
out any other non-RB files.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
I believe this is the way the pipeline list has functioned since the
beginning. For a future release we could possibly add an option to sort
this list. I will add this to the list of possible enhancements.
Thanks for your feedback.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors