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Subreport overflow

edited June 2013 in Subreports
I have a supreport as a part of another subreport that, when it
overflows to a new page, reprints records that were already printed on
the preceding page. Any suggestions?


1st page -

record 1
record 2

2nd page -

record 1 } reprinted ...
record 2 }
record 3


  • edited June 2013
    Hi Paul,

    Which version of ReportBuilder and Delphi are you using?

    Be sure the ReprintOnOverflow property is set to False if you are using
    Fixed style subreports.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited June 2013

    I am using 14.01 with XE2 SP4 (hot fix).

    The sub report in question is static sized but the repeatonoverflow is
    grayed out on the right click.

    Paul Lowman

  • edited June 2013
    Hi Paul,

    I first recommend upgrading to RB 14.08. This is a free upgrade for all
    registered RB 14 users. Contact info@digital-metaphors.com with your
    serial number for upgrade instructions.

    If after upgrading you still get the same issue, please create a simple
    example of this behavior that I can run here on my machine and send it
    to support@digital-metaphors.com in .zip format. I will take a look at
    it and find a solution for you.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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