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feature request tablegrid

edited June 2013 in General

another idea to tablegrid.

If I use a tablegrid with several columns in deatailband it seems to be
wise to also use a tablegrid in the headerband to show the
corresponding columnheaders.

At designtime or via code I have to synchronize these two tablegrids
(for instance the column-width).

Wouldn't it be great to define only one tablegrid with two rows.
In the first row I put the header information (e.g. labels), in the
second row I put the data-controls.

In other words - there would be kind of a "Rowtype" which would be
"Header" for the first row and "Data" for the second row.
A headerrow shows only once (per page) and a detailrow is created for
each record.

Is this "understandable"?
What do you think about this, or is there a possibility to realize
something like this, already.

Best regards,
Josef Gschwendtner



  • edited June 2013

    Thanks for the feedback. Yes, adding a Row property that specifies the row
    is a header would be a great feature.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited December 2013
    Regarding the idea for a header of the Tablegrid, I have the following

    When you have a table, you would usually need a header and table details.

    I do it by using a tablegrid in the detail, but then I need another
    table grid in the header (or group header) band, too.

    It is then a pain to synchronize the width of each column, as these are
    two separate tablegrids, especially when I need to add a new column (and
    mess up the whole thing). I am thinking about synchronizing them in the

    How is the component designed to handle this typical scenario?


  • edited December 2013

    The RBuilder help topic for TppTableGrid includes details on both
    design-time mouse actions and run-time properties and methods that can be
    use to manipulate the grid, rows, cols, and cells.

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited January 2014
    Dear Niko,

    You didn't answer my question. It was: is the Tablegrid designed to
    handle both Header (which needs to be in a header band) and Detail
    (which goes to the detail band)?

    OR, do I need to have two grids, one in the header and one in the detail?

    As I have explained, having two grids instead of one is inconvenient
    because of the need to synchronize the columns between the two.

    ?? 1.01.2014 0:53, Nard Moseley (Digital Metaphors) ??????:
  • edited January 2014
    Dear Dimitar,

    My name is Nard, I'm not the same person as Nico. :)

    Yes, you need one TableGrid for the header and one for the detail.

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited January 2014
    ?? 2.01.2014 17:28, Nard Moseley (Digital Metaphors) ??????:

    ;-) Thank you and sorry, I didn't pay attention.

    Then, just for the sake of it, here's my solution, for everyone's benefit:

    {grdHeader is obviously the grid in the header, grdDetail - in the
    detail. Choose whichever grid should be changing the other's column width.
    Use a BeforePrint method to set it, I use Report.BeforePrint

    var i: Integer;
    MasterGrid, SlaveGrid: TppTableGrid;

    for i:=0 to MasterGrid.ColCount-1 do
    if i<=SlaveGrid.ColCount then

    What you COULD do is implement the above functionality, as it is really
    simple, by a property of the TableGrid. Then you could "attach" one grid
    to the other and automatically set the other grid's column widths.

    -- Dimitar
  • edited April 2014
    To be honest, without this Row property, the TableGrid component doesn't do
    much. We used few Shape components in place of TableGrid.

    Michael Chen

  • edited May 2014

    Thanks for the feedback. I added this on the requested feature list.

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited May 2014

    Have received great feedback on the TableGrid - both praise for its current
    power and ease of use and of course requests for additional features.

    Using shapes frustrates most users (including me) and quickly breaks down.
    The table grid allows visual editing at the row level, column level, and
    cell level. And the cells are sophisticated containers - that can
    automatically manage the size of their child controls and enforce inner
    padding. Cells can be merged with cells above and below. Rows can
    dynamically stretch their height - and the rows below shift downward

    The following is taken for the RBuilder Help Topic for TppTableGrid and
    details the manipulations that can be performed via the Designer and a
    second list that details how to do the same manipulations via code.


    TableGrid component used to print a table in a report. A table consists of
    rows and columns that define a grid of cells. Cells may contain objects such
    as Label, DBText, Memo, Image etc.

    Use the RowCount and ColCount properties to specify the number of rows and

    From the report designer, the following mouse actions are available:

    Action Mouse
    select grid click inside edge of left, top corner
    resize grid drag right-bottom sizing handle
    resize grid width drag right-middle sizing handle
    resize grid height drag bottom-middle sizing handle
    select cell click inside a cell
    multi-select shift-click each cell
    select row click left inside edge of row
    select col click top inside edge of column
    resize col drag the column border
    resize row drag the row border

    The report tree can optionally be used to select grid, row, and cell objects

    The grid context menu can be accessed by pressing the right mouse button
    over any celll. The Row and Col items have subitems for Select, Add, Insert,
    and Delete. The Cell menu item has subitems for Merge and Divide.

    To access/modify a grid via code, the following properties and methods are

    Action Code
    access cells myTableGrid.Cells[RowIndex, ColIndex]
    add rows myTableGrid.Rows.Add
    myTableGrid.RowCount := myTableGrid.RowCount + X
    insert rows myTableGrid.Rows.Insert(RowIndex);
    remove rows myTableGrid.Rows.Remove(RowIndex);
    myTableGrid.RowCount := myTableGrid.RowCount - X
    move rows myTableGrid.Rows[RowIndex].RowIndex := X
    add cols myTableGrid.Cols.Add;
    myTableGrid.ColCount := myTableGrid.ColCount + X
    insert cols myTableGrid.Cols.Insert(RowIndex);
    remove cols myTableGrid.Cols.Remove(RowIndex);
    myTableGrid.ColCount := myTableGrid.ColCount - X
    move cols myTableGrid.Cols[ColIndex].ColIndex := X

    Related Topics

    TppTableRow, TppTableColumn, TppTableCell

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited February 2015
    Am 15.06.2013 um 00:36 schrieb Nard Moseley (Digital Metaphors):


    is this feature available inbetween?

    Best regards,
  • edited February 2015
    Hi Mark,

    Row headers are not currently a feature of the TableGrid component. We
    are still considering adding this for a later release of the product.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.