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New Blog Posts: Merging Reports - Part 1 and Part 2

Migrate from DBE to IB

edited December 2002 in End User
Hi list,
is there anyway to import reports ( stored in Paradox tables ) into an
interbase database, saving everything?

Any help appreciated.

Paolo Fenelli


  • edited December 2002
    The datasettings in the template have to be changed and the class names of
    the dataviews should stay the same, because you are using the BDE to connect
    and the BDEQueryDataview class will be used. If you want to use IBX, IBO,
    dbExpress, then you'll have to change the query dataview class types in the
    template to new one respective of the new DADE plugin you want to use.You'll
    also need to trim the db extensions from the paradox tables stored in the

    What you can do is run both end user projects for the paradox and the
    interbase and save down a template for each, in which you create a single
    dataview on the same table in each database. (Report.Template.Format =
    ASCII) Then open the two templates and compare the changes. These are the
    changes you need to make to convert the temlpates.

    If all you templates are stored in binary then you can read them up to ascii
    like as shown in this tip in order to convert them easier:



    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited December 2002
    Hi Jim,
    I take my time to try and revert

    Best rgds.
    Paolo Fenelli
  • edited December 2002
    Hello Jim,
    I've downloaded the file and seen. Tyed with a simple report to "translate"
    to IBo and it seems to work ( I've never thought it doesn't! ).
    In case i'll find problems with more complex ones i'll be back again.

    Now i'd like to know, for future uses, wich is the best solution to store
    report files on disk.

    Best rgds.
    Paolo Fenelli
  • edited December 2002
    Storing report template files to disk has the same advantages and
    disadvantages just like storing any type of file in binary or ascii would.

    As far as data access suggestions, as long as you stay away from the BDE you
    are doing good:)


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

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