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7.02 End User Background printing example

edited March 2003 in End User
Using D6 and 7.02 can you provide an end user Background printing
example project?

Specifically ones for ODBCExpress and Asta would be great.

Rick Matthews
Dartek Systems Inc.


  • edited March 2003
    There isn't a background printing example. Essentially we tried to make it
    as easy as possible- ie. require the report to have an owner form or
    datamodule and then nonot have and registration calls for report forms,
    templates or archives for volumes like you do for the Server Edition.

    Using the main report explorer demo project, open up the form and add a
    TSession object and set Autosession name to true. Then in the OnLoadEnd
    event of the report template set Report.BackgroundPrintSettings.Enabled to
    true, followed by the Report.BackgroundPrintSettings.Active property. Then
    run the app and print a report:)

    As far as ASTA, I'll have to try it. I don't have an ODBCExpress ASTA server
    running for RB, but I can test it with my local DBISAM ASTA RB end user


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited March 2003

    I understood that for the BDE but was having trouble (I got an error
    only with background print trying to open the join ds) when using

    To clarify I use the report explorer with a dictionary both with Asta
    and ODBCExpress in the client. If I use ASTA then the server is
    actually ODBCExpress but that is not a factor in this issue I think.


  • edited March 2003
    First, you can't show any dialogs from a background thread without
    synchronizing. So, set the client datasets ShowQueryProgress to sqDontShow.
    Then set the client socket to ConnectAction to caUseDesignAddress and
    AutoLoginDlg to ltLoginNoDlg. But, even after this, I don't think that the
    Asta client socket is meant to run in a background thread as I get an error
    from their source (AstaSmartWait.pas) as it is trying to syncronize as it
    assumes it is in the main thread, which it isn't.

    So, I surfed Asta newsgroup and found a post where Steve mentions that Asta
    uses sockets (not threads) and threads give you nothing in performance.
    Well, RB does create a socket in the background thread as it is generically
    coded to support any form you have with a report on it with any data access
    components that you want to print in the background. So, I ran across this
    post from Steve:

    "So if your thread are using the same pipe, houston we'd like to re-direct
    what you are doing.

    <<This comes from the call "Classes.CheckSynchronize" around line 240 in

    well you can try commenting it out as we just threw that in there for D6."

    I also coded this in my end user project to toggle between blocking when I
    was playing around with this, but I don't have AstaSmartWait.pas in my
    version of Asta, just a dcu, so I don't know if this would help:


    { TmyReportObjects.FormCreate }

    procedure TmyEndUserSolution.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);

    ppReport1.Template.OnLoadEnd := LoadEndEvent;

    ASTAClientSocket1.Active := False;

    if ppInMainThread then
    AstaClientSocket1.ClientType := ctNonBlocking
    AstaClientSocket1.ClientType := ctBlocking;


    end; {procedure, FormCreate}


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited March 2003
    Thanks Jim.

    (D6 with Asta 2.6.)

    I commented out the "Classes.CheckSynchronize" and it then does
    connect (although the comment references D6 which is what I am using).

    I am printing to a file (pdf with waler) and it starts and returns to
    the designer but shortly it locks up and the file stops being updated.
    I have tried blocking/nonblocking in the thread with no luck.

    I am not too conversant with this area and I don't know how to


    Also, have you a working ODBCExpress version? (OE 5.06 for me). I
    starts but also locks up.


  • edited March 2003
    I read some more on the Asta newsgroup and the recommendation I found is to
    not use the AstaClientSocket in a thread. It must not be threadsafe to do
    so, and we are finding that it was not intended to be used in a threaded
    environment by design. Asta uses a non-blocking Windows socket architecture.
    In contrast, our report server uses a blocking threaded architecture. I
    still get an error in the Asta unit since I don't have source, but you could
    try to place the client socket in a datamodule of the main thread and since
    the Asta architecture uses windows sockets, you might be able to get away
    with this and let the background threads use the main thread client socket
    to access the Asta server. You may want to try using a blocking mode on the
    client socket for this test. What I did was use a non-databased Asta EU
    report that printed a label in a background thread (Report.Autostop = True)
    in this configuration, because the AstaClientSocket is no longer on my form,
    but in a data module. I get the previously mentioned 'Classes.Synchronize'
    error when I try to use dataviews. But I think this may just work for you
    with the source change for 'Classes.Synchronize.'

    If no joy, an if you want to go further with this, it would really be
    necessary to create a simple non-RB app using Asta access components
    (TAstaClientDatasets) which are created on a form in a background thread
    which perform a table dump to a text file or something simple with the data.
    Then find out if this does or does not work. Then ask Steve Garland at Asta
    for his recommendations to get the simple app working.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited March 2003
    Thanks Jim. No joy. For now I guess RB/Asta is not a working choice
    for background printing or RBServer.

    Have you been able to get ODBCExpress to work?


  • edited March 2003
    Haven't tried ODBCExpress yet. We'll have to check it out. Thanks for your


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited June 2003
    Sorry for the delay. ODBCExpress works fine in tests here when printing in a
    background thread..


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited June 2003
    It didn't for me Jim. Can you send me a link (or email me) to the
    ODBCExpress Dade you used? (RB7.02 D6). Was there anything in
    particular you needed to set in the data module?

    Do you have an end user demo with ODBC Express that does background
    printing you can provide a link to so I can fix my project?

    Many Thanks,

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