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Run time results different that designer preview on grouping

edited April 2006 in Datapipelines
I have a report designed against a query.
Before I open the data for the report, I fill the parameters with default
Only the 'RecordUID' parameter is not filled.
The report is set to group on BillingUID, with page breaks on change.

When I preview in the report, it looks great. Grouping is fine.
When I print, using the exact same parameters, I get no grouping, and the
customer information on the report is missing.

Running 10.02, D7 against DBISAM database

Select I.UID, I.Total, I.BillingUID, I.CustName, I.InvoiceDate, I.Closed,
I.CustUID, B.BillName as bName, B.BillAddressBlock as bAddress,
b.BillContact as bContact, b.BillPhone as bPhone, I.InvoiceNumber,
I.AccountNumber, I.LateFees, I.Balance
from Invoice I, Cust B
(:StartDate is null or I.InvoiceDate >= :StartDate) and (:EndDate is
null or I.InvoiceDate <= :EndDate) and
(:RecordUID is null or I.CustUID = :RecordUID or I.UID = :RecordUID) and
(:Closed is null or I.Closed = :Closed) and
B.UID = I.BillingUID

Order by bName, I.BillingUID, I.CustName, I.CustUID, I.InvoiceDate


  • edited April 2006
    Hi Connie,

    When (event) are you setting the parameters of the dataset? Does this
    behavior occur when printing from the preview or when printing directly?
    Note that when you print your report from the preview window, the report
    needs to be generated again so the parameters will need to be reset.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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