Template Loading Error?
I'm using D5, and RB 5.56. I'm basically using an exact copy of the
end user demos with DBISAM. Storing user reports in the
template/explorer system. My software comes with x number of reports
already in the database files.
One user on XP is currently getting "Error Reading Template". He
"Ignores All" and gets nothing but the lines of the report. Obviously
a loading error.
My program finally gives an error when they closes the form which
holds all the RB components. An access violation.
What and why might this user get a template loading error. What
reasons are there, so I can track it down. I don't get these errors
and to my knowledge we are working on the same model/data structures.
The problem does seem to arise when he changes version but the current
version hasn't resolved itself at his end.
I'm not aware that there's any design time report been loaded
currently (not checked code).
Any help is detailing what these reading errors might be would be
greatly appreciated. I can't find any resource on the subject.
This discussion has been closed.
Try running our demo app on his machine and see if the problem still occurs.
There may have been some data corruption in the transfer of your file. If
this does not help, please send an example of the code to
support@digital-metaphors.com and we'll test it on our XP machines.
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors
We found the problem. A laptop with a default printer set to a network
printer about 100 miles away (not connected of course ). Driver
must be not be stored locally I guess.
Is there a way I can catch this error, as I'm not sure which component
is creating it. The Report Explorer?
To further this it seems it's a Cannon printer and the printer isn't
connected. Other printers not connected seem OK so I have to ask where
can I trap this type of error. I'm pretty well using your demo
projects/code as they are actually.
Below is a link to an example showing how to create a custom report explorer
able to catch the ETemplateLoadError. It is meant to be used with the
end-user demo located in the \RBuilder\Demos\3. EndUser\1. Report Explorer
Nico Cizik
Digital Metaphors