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How to create a report with no pipeline

edited June 2006 in Datapipelines
I want to create a report where I can create all the components and display
them on the report. There will be only one "record". I retrieve data from
a table. This data is actually the information of the actual components
that will be printed in the report. For example:

ComponentType PosX PosY Data
barcode 100 100 123456 <-- Then I will create a
barcode component in runtime and display it in the position according to the
text 100 203 Sample <-- I will create a
ppLabel component in runtime and display it in the correct position.

Since there are a variable number of "components" in the table, I won't know
in advance how many there are, or what type of components should I expect.
So basically, there is no "data" that comes from a pipeline.

I tried creating all components at runtime in the Report.OnBeforePrint
event. The program compiles good, but at runtime no components are
displayed in the report. I have set a JITpipeline for the component, but I
have no OnTraverse event o GetFieldValue event set.

Any ideas?


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