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Connecting at runtime

edited July 2006 in Datapipelines

I would like to create a report file in the designer and then connect the
data from my application at runtime.
I'm creating the datasets for reporting at runtime and therefore I can't use
the designer to connect to the fields.
How can I get to the DBText components at runtime?

I'm using Report Builder standard v.9.01 with Delphi 2005.


  • edited July 2006
    Hi Valdimar,

    Are you loading the report from a template file? If so, you will have to
    use template events to loop though the report components and connect all the
    data components from there.

    If you are not loading from templates, you can simply use the component name
    to connect to the correct datapipeline and field.

    DBText.DataPipeline := MyPipeline;
    DBText.DataField := 'MyField';


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited July 2006
    Thank you,

    I didn't notice the components being added to my code :)

    It comes back to my reluctance to read PDF documents.

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