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Firebird and DADE

edited July 2006 in Datapipelines
How can I connect to Firebird using DADE?


  • edited July 2006

    - For examples check out RBuilder\Demos\EndUser Databases\Interbases

    - RB installs DADE plug-ins that support IBExpress and dbExpress. IBO is
    another option - the source to the IBO DADE plug-in is installed to
    RBuilder\Demos\EndUser Databases\Interbase\IBO

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited July 2006
    Using the IBO plug-in would be ideal. I believe I've followed the example,
    but I'm getting a "Missing DriverName Property" error when I try to use the
    Query Wizards. What would cause this?

    My settings in the "Data Settings" are:

    Session Type: dbExpressSession
    Database Name: IBConnection
    DatabaseType: Other

    Is it correct to use dbExpressSession for Firebird? Do I need to add a
    Firebird dbExpress Driver?

  • edited July 2006

    - in your Delphi application, what data access components are you using to
    work with Firebird? Or perhaps you are trying to decide?

    - For information about dbExpress see the Delphi documentation and the
    Delphi newsgroups, etc. I would think the Firebird docs and newsgroups would
    be good place for information about using dbExpress (and other alteratives)
    to connect to Firebird.

    - For information about IBO check the IBO documentation and newsgroups.

    - as a first step to choosing a data access solution, I recommend at a
    minimum bulding some simple forms that contain that data access components
    (connection component, dataset, datasource) and user interface elements such
    as a dbGrid, dbEdit and dbNavigator. You want to have a good understanding
    of how these work, prior to implementing a reporting solution.

    - as a first step to working with RB, I recommend working thru the Reporting
    and EndUser Application tutorials in the RB Developers Guide. This will
    provide you with a basic understanding of how things work.

    - the next step would be to use the RBuilder\Demos\EndUser
    Database\Interbase examples.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited July 2006
    I definitely want to use IBO, but after following the tutorial, a "Missing
    DriverName Property" error. How should the "Session Type" property be set?

  • edited July 2006

    - The DADE plug-in for IBO will register an IBOSession session type.

    - The RBuilder\Demos\EndUser Databases\Interbase\IBO\ directory contains an
    example of using IBO. The ReadMe.doc installed to the same directory
    contains step by step instructions.

    RB's Data Acess Development Environment (DADE) has a plug-in architecture.
    Each DADE plug-in registers a SessionType that corresponds to a data access
    component set (ADO, BDE, IBExpress, etc).

    BDE = BDESession

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited July 2006
    When I add "daIBO" into my applicaiton, I get an error "Unit daIBO was
    compiled with a different version of ppClass.TdaDataView". How do I fix

  • edited July 2006

    - search your machine for daIBO.* - you may have multiple copies of
    daIBO.pas and daIBO.dcu installed to various directories, perhaps IBO
    included one - do not use that one
    - remove all occurences of daIBO.dcu
    - remove all occurences of daIBO.pas except the one installed to
    RBuilder\Demos\EndUser Databases\Interbase\IBO
    - check your Delphi enviroment library path. You can either copy the
    daIDBO.pas to RBuilder\Lib or add an entry for RBuilder\Demos\EndUser

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited July 2006
    You were right, I had multiple daIBO.pas files and can now compile. Thanks.
    However, after adding daDatMan and daIBO to my uses clause, I still doon't
    see the IBO session type. Is there something else that I need to do?

  • edited July 2006

    To use the IBO DADE plug-in at Delphi design-time, you need to compile and
    install the package rbIBOxx.dpk into the Delphi IDE. (note: the xx is a
    package suffix that represents the RB version and Delphi version).

    Follow these directions for compiling and installing the IBO plug-in...

    1. Copy the following files to your ..\RBuilder\Lib directory.



    2. Access the Delphi Environment Options dialog, by selecting the Tools |
    Environment Options from the Delphi menu. Select the Library tab.

    3. Set the BPL and DCP directories to the ..RBuilder\Lib directory. If you
    have installed ReportBuilder into the default directory you can set these
    directories to:


    4. Select File | Open from the Delphi menu. In the Open dialog locate the
    'Files of type' drop-down list near the bottom. Select the 'Delphi package
    (*.dpk)' item in this list. Now only package files will be displayed.

    5. Navigate to the ..\RBuilder\Lib directory.

    6. Open the rbIBOxx.dpk package and click the compile button.

    7. Launch the Windows Explorer and examine the files in the ..RBuilder\Lib
    directory. The daIBO and rbIBOxx .dcu, .dcp, and .bpl files should be
    stamped with the current date and time. If this is not the case then the
    files have not been regenerated, or your BPL or DCP directory setting is not
    correct and the files have been generated into some other directory.

    8. Access the Delphi Environment Options dialog and clear the BPL and DCP
    directory settings.

    9. From the Delphi IDE, select Component | Install Packages and add the
    rbIBOxx.bpl pacakge. This will install the package into the Delphi IDE and
    make the IBOSession type available to the report designer.

    10. To include the IBOSession type in your Delphi projects, add daIBO to the
    'uses' clause

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited July 2006
    Thnak you! ReportBuilder is an awesome product with awesome support!

This discussion has been closed.