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problem displaying second and subsequent page with tkbmmemtable

edited August 2006 in Datapipelines
I have a simple listing report with the exception that the data is grouped.
The group header displays most of the details and the detail section
contains only a coulpe of the fields. The data is supplied from a
tkbmemtable memory table that has an index matching the group structure.
When the Reports previews the first page then this is ok. But when the user
clicks forward to go to the next page then RB seems to just sit there
forever with an hourglass and never shows the second or subsequent pages.

I've used the tkbmmemtable in any number of ways as normally as a normal
table so I'm wondering wht RB is doing when it goes to display the second
page that seems to sit there indefinitely? Pressing cancel just grays out
itself and to close you have to use the close box on the window caption...


  • edited August 2006
    Hi Paul,

    ReportBuilder simply traverses the data it is given. If the kbmmemtable is
    a TDataset descendent, it will begin traversing the data beginning where the
    cursor stopped after displaying the first page. Does this behavior occur
    with every report connected to a kbmmemtable? Are you able to recreate this
    issue with a very minimal report? Which version of ReportBuilder/Delphi are
    you using?


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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