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DADE Questions - Please Help

edited August 2003 in End User

Delphi 6, RB 7.02 Ent.

I am sure this has been asked 100 times, but I cant seem to find the correct

I am new to Report Builder, and I am having some problems.

Let me explain what I want from the product.

I want to design a End-User reporting tool, that connects to my MS SQL
database via ADO.

I plan on using this tool myself to provide all reports for my clients, and
creating a report viewer exe that launches the reports after they have been

My questions are as follows.

1. I have a base architecture that I use for all my forms etc, I want to
create the designer using this but am having some problems.
1a. It wont default connect to the TADOConnection that is in a
DataModule, I have to put a TADOConnection on the Form and then set its
connectionString = DM.ConnectionString in order for it to work, I would
prefer to have just the 1 ADOConnection in my project.
1b. I want the Designer to be the form that is shown on Start up, how
can I make a form that does this?

2. I want users to be able to create parameters that are requested before
the report is run. How can I do this from a End User situation? Do I have to
develop this myself? and If so what is the best way of using these

3. Report To Template (.rtm) etc. I am having a problem with this, I want to
launch the designer and when the User clicks Save or Save as bring up the
SaveDialog and let them save, nothing happens. If I enable save to template
I get errors about missing files. This is before the report is created etc.

I would really appreciate any advise anyone has on this as I am a bit lost.



  • edited August 2003
    Yes, using the end user configuration to design reports is the best way to
    create reports that will be run on your client's machines. Use DADE to
    define the data access. There is a SQL Server ADO demo in the
    RBuilder\Demos\End User Database\ folder of the installation which is a
    place to start if you have't seen this demo before.

    1. DADE should be able to see the ADOConnection that you have in your
    project. Is this created at Delphi design time? If it is at runtime, then
    make sure that the ADOConnection is owned by the datamodule. RB uses the
    Screen.DataModules and Screen.Forms array properties to find the
    ADOConnection by name when loading a template, so the owner has to be set
    when you create the connection at runtime to be able to be visible in these
    arrays. I just ran the SQL Server demo using ADO with the ADOConnection on a
    different TDatamodule in the project and it found it. Make sure you connect
    the Designer.Datasettings to the ADOConnection as well. Set
    Designer.AllowDataSettingsChange = true to check the datasettings at runtime
    in DADE before you create any dataviews.

    2. The easiest way to have ask at runtime parameters is to use DADE. You
    create search criteria in DADE dataviews and then check the Autosearch
    checkbox to make them autosearch fields. Then RB automatically creates
    autosearch fields at runtime to be used in the autosearch dialog. When you
    do this in DADE, it is all automatic and pain free. All you have to do is
    set Report.ShowAutosearchDialog to true and when the report runs it should
    show the autosearch dialog and you can filter the report by simply typing in
    what you want to see in the report. There are autosearch demos in the
    standard end user database (Report Exporer) demo. They are already in the
    paradox tables we provide in the installation for these demos.

    3. Report.SaveAsTemplate is a property that you should set to false when
    trying to get things working initially. See the help file on this property.
    It is definign wether the report you have currently in the designer will be
    saved to the report object on the form or a report template (file or
    database). Do you want to have only file based templates or also have
    database templates? To create a file template, simply save the report to
    file as you have described it should work. Make sure that you set the
    Designer.AllowSaveToFile to true. The saving to file should be automatic. I
    created a simple TppDesigner and a TppReport: Save and SaveAs work fine when
    saving to file. If you would like, feel free to send me a simple example
    project that has the error and I'll take a look at it. Send all attachements
    to support@digital-metaphors.com


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited August 2003
    Than you so much for your detailed response. So much better than support
    from other companies you get.

    1. I fixed this after sorting out the ConnectionName just required
    MainConnection not ConnectionDM.MainConnection.

    Any thoughs on 1b? I what to be able to provide my standard login screen etc
    to the users and when successful launch the Designer, but right now I am
    having to have a form in the middle to do this. Any thoughts?

    2. Although this does provide a method that can be used, I would like to
    provide an easier to use method for the End user. I am also concerned that
    when the report is run it will retrieve ALL data until the AutoSearch fields
    have been filtered. Is this accurate?
    My thoughts are giving them a screen BEFORE the report is run that fills the
    AutoSearch fields? what are your thoughts, any examples would be greatly

    3. I have working thanks.


    1. This problem is still here even though the TADOConnection is on the
    TDatamodule at design time not runtime,
  • edited August 2003
    1.b. Sorry I didn't see this one. To launch the designer as the main form of
    an app, use an invisible main form and a timer to show the designer in a
    timer event handler. See the main report explorer demo for the technique. It
    shows the report explorer as the first form.

    2. No, you can set the search criteria value that will be used when
    constructing the query in DADE. Then when the autosearch dialog is shown,
    it should show this as the default value to search on. You can use this to
    make sure the dataset is initially small.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited August 2003
    "Jim Bennett (Digital Metaphors)" wrote in
  • edited August 2003
    When you run a report, it needs to generate the autosearch dialog. To do
    this, there is special code which tries to find out if there are any
    autosearch criteria defined in the persistent dataviews. If there is, the
    autosearch field object get created. The TppAutosearchField objects are not
    persistent and are always created at runtime. The autosearch criteria are
    defined on a dataview and are persistent. At runtime, if you have autosearch
    criteria, then autosearch fields get created and you can reference them and
    use them from a custom autosearch dialog. The autosearch fields are how DADE
    knows what the user entered into the autosearch dialog. The End User Search
    Criteria demo in teh main autosearhc demos. It uses DADE, but there are
    autosearch fields which are used to set the value. This is what you can do
    in code if because these values set on the autosearch fields are transferred
    to DADE when the SQL goes to generate for a given dataview which has
    autosearch criteria defined in it. The plus is that you can access the
    Report.Autosearchfields array property at runtime as shown in the demo.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited August 2003
    Thank you Jim
    Your help is very appreciated

    Serge Dosyukov
    Borland Delphi 6 product certified
    "Programming is not a job; it is a style of life."

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