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Data Dictionary and Custom Data Templates

edited August 2003 in End User
I am using RB7.02 with Delphi 5 and ADO

I have created some custom data templates which are almost straight
replica's of the Demos\End User\Custom data view TdvCustomerQuery to view
our Clients.

I am using ADO classes created exactly like the daDBBDE but using a
Connection rather than DatabaseName/Session. This all seems to work fine
except for 2 things?

1. When I select my custom data templates in the template tab (all works
fine) but then when I try to create another data view using the wizard (to
eventually connect to my data template view) the wizard seems to ignore the
data dictionary and shows all the tables in my database. Weird thing if a
use the wizard first then my custom templates then the wizard again the DD
is honored??

2. After selecting a table in the wizard and clicking Finish I get an Access
violation raised. Unfortunately I can not trace which line it is occuring on
(The stack dump seems to suggest TdaQueryDataView.CreateLinkObject) But the
dataview is created.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated



  • edited August 2003
    It sounds like the meta data cache is getting cleared or is not setup to use
    the data dictionary. Is UseDataDictionary set to true on the designer's
    DataSettings property?

    Can you reproduce the AV using the our custom dataview for the BDE demo?


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited August 2003
    Hi Jim

    I have now sorted out my AV problem, but I still have the problem of the
    Data Dictionary not being honoured after selecting a custom data view.
    UseDataDictionary is set to true on the designers DataSettings property.

    You can reproduce this problem if you grab your
    CreateDataModCustOrderLinkedDataviewsADO sample project. 1 of the very few
    ADO example programs I could find :-(.

    Add a DataDictionary component and supporting ADO table comps to the form
    and add a few tables/fields/joins from the Northwind database to the
    datadictionary. I used customers, employees, Invoices, Orders, Products. Set
    up the ADOConnection properties and DataSettings to UseDataDictionary.

    Run the example program. You should find that if you click "create data
    views" button then go into the designer & select the data tab, that if you
    select file|new for a new dataview and use the wizard that the data
    dictionary is not honoured.

    If on the other hand you run the example program and do not "create data
    views" first and go to the data tab and add a new dataview via the wizard
    then the data dictionary is honoured.

    Hopefully you get the same result I did. Is this a bug?



  • edited August 2003

    I was able to solve my AV problem by either removing my FieldAlias name or
    by setting both the Alias and the FieldAlias properties of my TdaField
    SelectField objects. It was falling over in
    TdaQueryDataView.CreateLinkObject because the first line in this procedure
    would return nil for the MasterField object.

    lMasterField := FSQL.MasterSQL.GetFieldForAlias(aMasterFieldAlias);

    This is because it uses the FieldAlias is passed in as a parameter to locate
    the master field rather than the Alias. Why does it accept a FieldAlias as a
    parameter yet uses the Alias property in GetFieldForAlias rather than

  • edited August 2003
    Hi Jarrod,

    Thanks for pointing this out. I changed the two lines of code and reran the
    DADE QA and all tests indicate it works fine this way. I would imagine it
    should have been coded originally with GetFieldForFieldAlias because it is a
    FieldAlias that is getting passed from the list box in the Link Dialog and
    not an Alias.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited August 2003
    HI Jim,

    Any ideas on my other problem in this post above with where the data
    dictionary is not honored after creating a custom data view? Eagerly
    awaiting a solution ;-)


  • edited August 2003
    In our custom dataview tests, the data dictionary is in effect even when the
    custom dataview templates are used. Can you reproduce this with our custom
    dataview tempalte demo?


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited August 2003
    No I dont get it with the BDE custom dataview examples. Did you try it with
    the replication example I gave you using the
    CreateDataModCustOrderLinkedDataviewsADO example project from your tips
    download area. If you missed it here are replication steps again....

    "You can reproduce this problem if you grab your
    CreateDataModCustOrderLinkedDataviewsADO sample project. 1 of the very few
    ADO example programs I could find :-(.

    Add a DataDictionary component and supporting ADO table comps to the form
    and add a few tables/fields/joins from the Northwind database to the
    datadictionary. I used customers, employees, Invoices, Orders, Products. Set
    up the ADOConnection properties and DataSettings to UseDataDictionary.

    Run the example program. You should find that if you click "create data
    views" button then go into the designer & select the data tab, that if you
    select file|new for a new dataview and use the wizard that the data
    dictionary is not honoured.

    If on the other hand you run the example program and do not "create data
    views" first and go to the data tab and add a new dataview via the wizard
    then the data dictionary is honoured."

  • edited August 2003
    I followed your steps and the demo works correctly. The data dictionary
    settings are used. I did notice there was a missing Result := lPipeline when
    the detail dataview was created. Check to make sure that is set. Here is the
    project I used for this test:


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited August 2003
    I forgot to mention that I used RB 7.03, Delphi 6 and SQL Server 2000 via
    ADO for the test project.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited August 2003
    Hi Jim,
    Thanks for the example program, but yep... still get the same problem with
    your project.

    If I click create dataviews first then launch the designer and try add
    another dataview using the wizard then I see every table in the Northwind
    database. But if I dont create the dataviews first & launch the designer
    then the DD settings are used.

    I am using RB 7.03 now with Delphi 5 and SQL 2000. Yeah I know.... Delphi 5
    (don't get me started on that one!) We are probably upgrading once Delphi 8
    comes out, so I am stuck with it until then.

    I will try the example at home on my Delphi 7 version and see how it goes.
    Are you able to try it there with Delphi 5?



  • edited August 2003
    Hi Jim,

    Looking into this problem further and debugging the ReportBuilder code I
    can't see how yours could work?
    In the example program the CreateCustomers first creates a dataview object

    lDataView := TdaADOQueryDataView.Create(aDataModule);

    Walking through the create of the TdaADOQueryDataView.Create function it
    calls SetSQLObjectDataDictionary. Stepping through this procedure the first

    if (FSQL.DataDictionary = nil) and (Parent is TdaDataModule) then

    always returns false becase the Parent of the datamodule has not been set
    and is nil. Therefore the FSQL.DataDictionary is nil.

    Then when the first table is added to the SQL object in CreateCustomers it
    first creates the MetaDataCache in the procedure
    TdaMetaData.GetTables(aTables: TList)

    The first call to GetTables will execute GetTablesFromSession(aTables)
    because the DataDictionary will be nil because because the
    SQL.DataDictionary object is nil.

    Therefore any successive call to the MetaData.GetTables will return the full
    list of tables not those in the data dictionary.

    This is different if the Dataview wizard is called first before creating
    custom dataviews because it will call TdaQueryWizard.Execute before the
    TdaMetaData.GetTables which half way through the procedure will first set
    the SQL objects DataDictionary (see code extract below)

    if DataSettings.UseDataDictionary then
    FForm.SQL.DataDictionary :=

    TdaMetaData.GetTables(aTables: TList) function will then call
    GetTablesFromDataDictionary(aTables); because the data dictionary is NOT

    Sorry for the long winded explanation, but I hope it is clear.
    Any possible work arounds for this?

  • edited August 2003
    Hi Jarrod,

    You're right, the table names are in the cache. I was off in the wrong track
    trying to determine if the dictionary was being used, and it was, however,
    the table names were already in the cache, although the joins information
    was still coming from the data ditcionary, so I guessed the dictionary was
    working, because my dictionary listed all the tables that were available.
    Once I removed some entries form the dictionary I saw the problem. You can
    control mouse click over the empty area of DADE and it will popup the meta
    data cache listing. So, to solve the problem, add a line of code to clear
    the cache after creating the dataviews so that the data dictionary will be
    used for all new dataviews the user creates.



    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

This discussion has been closed.