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DBTeeChart - Some properties not visible at DesignTime

edited June 2007 in Datapipelines
I'm using ReportBuilder ver. 10.6 with TeeChart 7.09 on CodeGear BDS 2007.
At designtime opening a ppReport that contains any DBTeeChart component will
not allow to access/edit Text tabs of the DBTeeChart Title,Labels etc.
Every Text Tab is visible but when I click, it only shows the page belonging
to Text tab, with nothing on it.
Tried on several PC's and finally realized that it only happens on PC having
How can I get these properties visible on these PCs?

Note: If I uninstall/reinstall RB, the first time I open a TeeChart for
editing at design time...these text properties become visible, but after
closing it and trying to
reopen...it will only show me the blank page for text.
Every other tab is working normally.

Is somebody having the same issue. Any suggestion?

Thank you,
- Sandor -


  • edited June 2007
    Hi Sandor,

    For future reference, please post to these newsgroups using your full name
    rather than your email address.

    The TeeChart component in ReportBuilder is simply a wrapper around the
    actual TChart component created by Steema. The editor is also the same.
    Other than using an AMD processor, what differences to these machines have
    compared to the machines that work correctly? If you edit a normal
    DBTeeChart on a Delphi form do you get the same behavior?


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited June 2007
    Hi Nico,

    Besides of using AMD-based mainboard and AMD CPU instead of Intel MB+CPU no
    differences...same OS, same ver. of: BDS, RB,TeeChart etc.
    I've tried dropping a DBTeeChart component onto a form but was unable to
    access the mentioned property.
    I realize that it's a Steema component but since I got it embedded in RB I
    was wondering if it ever happened to somebody else while using it in RB.


  • edited June 2007
    Hi Sandor,

    We have thousands of customers and many of them use AMD processors however
    we have never heard of this issue. It is my understanding that AMD
    processors are designed to run the same processes as Intel. This leads me
    to believe that the problem is elsewhere.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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