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Context specific help in designer

edited January 2004 in End User
I am currently using the TppDesigner.OnHelp event to display help when the
user is in the ReportBuilder End User Designer. Using this event, I am
able to display help when the user presses the F1 key or uses the Help

However, I am only able to open the help file to one specific location. I
would like to be able to display different entries into my help file
depending on which tab is currently active, e.g. if the 'Preview' tab is
currently selected, I would like to open the help file to a topic that
describes the function and behavior of the Preview form.

Is there an easy way to do this?


  • edited January 2004
    I only show the Calc, Design, and Preview tab and I use something like this:

    procedure TForm1.ppDesigner1Help(Sender: TObject; var aHelpFile,
    aKeyphrase: String; var aCallHelp: Boolean);
    if ppDesigner1.Notebook.ActivePageIndex > 0 then
    //Use the LearnReportBuilder.hlp Help file for the 'Design' tab
    aHelpFile := LearnReportBuilder.hlp;
    aKeyphrase := '';
    //Use RAP.hlp Help file for the 'Calc' tab
    aHelpFile := RAP.hlp;
    aKeyphrase := '';

    Chuck Van Acker
    Alogent Corp.
  • edited January 2004

    Thank you! Didn't see the possibility of accessing the activepage property
    and that is a BIG help (no pun intended). I do expose the Data tab and
    oddly, there is no help or F1 processing currently calling the OnHelp
    event, but I think I might be able to at least merge in a menu option to
    call help for the that Tab.

    Thanks again.

    Bob McClintock
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