Richtext Rap example
Are there any example of compiling a Richtext from RAP, setting
different lines with different fonts and size?
We have an end user report (D5, RB 702, DOA) which prints a table of
contents using the usual tecnique (two pass and rap populating a memo)
Now our customer ask to see different font in the toc, so we need to
change from standard memo to richtext.
different lines with different fonts and size?
We have an end user report (D5, RB 702, DOA) which prints a table of
contents using the usual tecnique (two pass and rap populating a memo)
Now our customer ask to see different font in the toc, so we need to
change from standard memo to richtext.
This discussion has been closed.
Lines property, here we have a simple RichText (a string).
So while in Delphi adding a whole line is simply a matter of
RichEdit.Lines.Add('A new line');
to do the same with TppRichText I tried
RichText1.RichText := RichText1.RichText + chr(13) + 'A new line' + chr(13);
but I only see the first row
I think the problem is that the ppRichText1.RichText contains the formatted
RichText and as part of this there is an end of file indicator.
Try breaking this into two parts. In the first part build up a TStringList
of the table of contents. You probably already have this code from the
current version of the report that uses a memo.
Asssign the TStringList data to the RichText:
myRichText.RichText := myStringList.Text;
In a second step use the TppRichText.SelStart, SelLength, SelAttributes to
format the RichText..
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors
Best regards,
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors