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adodataset parameters get changed after connection to designer

edited May 2008 in Datapipelines
I have an adodataset with parameters which is created at runtime. the sql
for this dataset gets parsed to create the needed parameters. because the
parameters are of datatype ftunknown i have to recreate them with the
correct datatype.after that is done i can open the adodataset succesfully(i
get a dsBrowse state en can save the recordset to file).
after i have opened the adodataset.i connect it using the following

After starting the designer and click on the datapipeline i get error
"parameterobject is not defined. the information is inconsistent or
incomplete." It seems like the dataset it's parameters are being created
i checked the parameters just before opening the designer and it has the
correct values.

what should i do to get it working without it trying to change the


  • edited May 2008
    Hi Luc,

    At what point are you getting the error (i.e. where are you clicking on the
    datapipeline)? Is this at run time or design time that you are opening the
    designer? When you assign a pipeline to a report, the pipeline simply tries
    to open the dataset. As a quick test, try creating the parameters at
    design-time using an ADODataset or ADOQuery object placed on a form and see
    if you get the same error. If not, there may be an issue with the way you
    are defining the parameters in code.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited May 2008

    I was clicking on the datapipe at runtime in the designer(sorry for not
    being clear).
    I don't have any problems with design time created datasets connected to the
    pipeline. i can check if it will also give me trouble if i change the
    parameters at runtime of an adodataset originally created at runtime and
    then assigning it to the datapipeline.
    I still don't understand why my dataset can open gets the dsbrowse state and
    can save it's retrieved recordset if the parameter were not created
    I will leave the office in half an hour go to indonesia tomorrow and get
    married. will be back in a week and will check your suggestion maybe i can
    come up with a nice solution. i will get back to this thread.


    Luc Neville

  • edited May 2008
    oops made a mistake in the following line
    should read

    i can check if it will also give me trouble if i change the
    parameters at runtime of an adodataset originally created at >designtime<
    then assigning it to the datapipeline.

  • edited May 2008
    I found the problem which was offcourse all my fault....
    what i did was assign a new datapipeline to the report. the report already
    had a visible datapipeline. the one i added was invisible. making it visible
    was solving my problem and the other datapipeline should go away.
    sorry to bother you with this.

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