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DataDictionary, IBX Session and Firebird 1.5 does this work?

edited May 2004 in End User

We have RB 6.02 and i'm trying to get the datadictionary to work. We are
using Firebird 1.5.

Demo Project: C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi5\RBuilder\Demos\4. EndUser
Databases\InterBase\2. IB Express
Shared DB: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Borland Shared\Data\employee.gdb
Script: C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi5\RBuilder\Demos\4. EndUser

We used the script to import the tables in employee.gdb, I inserted
tablenames,tablealiases in RB_TABLE, same goes fieldnames,fieldaliases in
RB_FIELD. In the Delphi Demo Project, right clicked ppDataDictionary1and
selected 'Data Dictionary Builder', in the popup form the real
tablenames/fieldnames and the appropriate tablealiases/fieldaliases.
Shouldn't it work by now?
If so
observation 1: when i place a dbtext on the report, the table/fields
combobox only shows the real tablenames/fieldnames
observation 2: In the report i select 'new query wizard' on data tab. the
'Available tables' listbox shows the appropriate tablealiases, so far so
good, i select one, when i select 'choose fields' i get an empty 'Available'
listbox if i choose 'All fields', continue and finally finish i get an
'invalid sql statement' exception, Dynamic SQL Error, SQL error code = -104,
token unknown - line 1, char 1 FROM.

Question 1: Can we use the datadictionary on FireBird db in any way?
Question 2: If so, do we get the appropriate appropriate
tablealiases/fieldaliases if we place querys/pipelines on the form and not
on the reports data tab?

Filip Moons


  • edited May 2004

    1. The DataDictionary and DataDictionaryBuilder can be used with Firebird or

    2. The DataDictionary is only used by the Query Wizard and Query Designer
    when you create queries from the Report Designer's Data workspace (i.e.
    DADE). The Query tools use the DataDictionary info to build a DataPipeline
    that contains the FieldAliases. The Design workspace displays to the user,
    the name of the datapipeline and the DataPipeline.Fields[].Fieldalias info.

    3. Based upon number 2, no you can use the DataDictionary with queries,
    datapipelines placed on a form/datamodule. You can however asssign field
    aliases to the DataPipeline.Fields[] using the DataPipeline fields editor.
    Double click on the DataPipeline to display the fields editor. Then select
    each field and specify the FieldAlias in the object inspector. You also need
    to DataPipeline.AutoCreateFields to False so that your changes will persist.
    (You can could also write code to this programmatically using the data
    stored in the data directionary tables).


    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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