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Why I can't create link between two uniqueidentifier fields on SQL Server for master - detail relati

edited June 2004 in End User

I have got two tables (this tables are master - detail tables) - end user

Table 1 fields are :
positionid : uniqueidentifier
positiondate : smalldatetime
notes : nvarchar (255)

and table 2 field are :
positiondetailid : uniqueidentifier
positionid : uniqueidentifier
I want to make a master - detail report using this tables . When a try to
make link betwen "positionid" field of both table
report doesn't work .This both of "positionid" fields type is
uniqueidentifier (SQL Server Data Type)
is there any problem or bug or constrain about linking two uniqueidentifier
field on report bulider ?

my software tools :
Report builder version :7.03 ( )
SQL Server 2000
delphi 7


  • edited June 2004

    ReportBuilder's DataPipeline linking does not currently support linking on
    Guid fields.

    One option might be to convert the Guid to a string in the SQL so that the
    result sets are linked on string fields.

    Another option would be to use Delphi's TDataSet linking. However to do this
    woudl require that create a custom dataview rather than use the query tools.
    For an example of a custom dataview, see RBuilder\Demos\EndUser\Custom

    Linking on Guid field types is on our To Do list of features to add to a
    future release.


    Thanks for supporting ReportBuilder! Please vote for ReportBuilder in the
    Delphi Informant Readers Choice awards!


    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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