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Calculated field aliasing

edited October 2004 in End User
I have a calculated field setup in one of my end user reports. The
calculated field expression is:
Cast(Cast(Extract(Month from DateInspected) as
Char(2))||'/'||Cast(Extract(Day from DateInspected) as
Char(2))||'/'||Cast(Extract(Year from DateInspected) as Char(4))as Date)

I have set the field alias to: InspectionDate

The calc field is in the search criteria and when I run the report the
autosearch form displays the field name as datecreated? The only way I know
of to create an expression calc field, in the query designer is to double
click a field in the fields list at the top and then change the function to
expression, type the code in the expression edit area, and change the field
alias to whatever I want it to appear as in the field list and autosearch

The problem is that in the autosearch form it is displaying the calculated
field as the original field that I clicked to start the calculated field
instead of the field alias I typed in.

Thank You,
Branden Johnson


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