Report Designer Save Options
Hello All:
How can I control the directory where the file save as dialog points to
I am using ReportBuilder 6.03 and want to always save the report to a
file with a specific directory.
I tried to look at the OnCustomSaveDoc - but I don't know exactly how to
do it. I thought that creating the file save dialog as follows might work -
but - I'm not there
lOpenDlg := TOpenDialog.Create(Application);
lOpenDlg.DefaultExt := FFileExtension;
lOpenDlg.Filename := FileName;
lOpenDlg.Filter := FFileFilter;
lOpenDlg.Options := [ofHideReadOnly, ofFileMustExist];
lOpenDlg.InitialDir :=DefaultFileDir
What do I need to do to force the location of the file SaveAs Option in
the menu of the form Designer ???
Thank you.
Neil Huhta
How can I control the directory where the file save as dialog points to
I am using ReportBuilder 6.03 and want to always save the report to a
file with a specific directory.
I tried to look at the OnCustomSaveDoc - but I don't know exactly how to
do it. I thought that creating the file save dialog as follows might work -
but - I'm not there
lOpenDlg := TOpenDialog.Create(Application);
lOpenDlg.DefaultExt := FFileExtension;
lOpenDlg.Filename := FileName;
lOpenDlg.Filter := FFileFilter;
lOpenDlg.Options := [ofHideReadOnly, ofFileMustExist];
lOpenDlg.InitialDir :=DefaultFileDir
What do I need to do to force the location of the file SaveAs Option in
the menu of the form Designer ???
Thank you.
Neil Huhta
This discussion has been closed.
in your Tech Tips so I will hook an event to the template OnCreateEvent as
explained in the Tech tip.
Neil Huhta
Delphi has a SetCurrentDir function that you can use to set the current
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors Corporation
Best regards,
Nard Moseley
Digital Metaphors