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Report Designer Save Options

edited December 2004 in End User
Hello All:

How can I control the directory where the file save as dialog points to

I am using ReportBuilder 6.03 and want to always save the report to a
file with a specific directory.

I tried to look at the OnCustomSaveDoc - but I don't know exactly how to
do it. I thought that creating the file save dialog as follows might work -
but - I'm not there

lOpenDlg := TOpenDialog.Create(Application);
lOpenDlg.DefaultExt := FFileExtension;
lOpenDlg.Filename := FileName;
lOpenDlg.Filter := FFileFilter;
lOpenDlg.Options := [ofHideReadOnly, ofFileMustExist];
lOpenDlg.InitialDir :=DefaultFileDir


What do I need to do to force the location of the file SaveAs Option in
the menu of the form Designer ???

Thank you.

Neil Huhta


  • edited January 2005
    Thanks Nard - What I was looking for was where to hook this into. I found it
    in your Tech Tips so I will hook an event to the template OnCreateEvent as
    explained in the Tech tip.

    Neil Huhta
  • edited January 2005

    Delphi has a SetCurrentDir function that you can use to set the current

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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