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Subreport data mixed up

edited March 2005 in End User

I am observing some very strange behaviour in end-user subreports.
As a test I have created a very simple report with two datapipelines
(one for the main report and one for the subreport).
*) The main query is
select sam.sam_id, doss.name
from sam, doss
where sam.doss_id = doss.doss_id
order by name;
*) The subreport query is
select sam.sam_id, gev.code
from sam_gev, gev
where gev.gev_id = sam_gev.gev_id
order by sam_id

The sub-pipeline is joined to the main-pipeline on the 'sam_id' field.

If the main report is ordered on 'sam_id' all works fine, but if the
main report is ordered on 'name' then everything gets mixed up: some
'sam' records show the 'gev' records of the next 'sam' record and the
next 'sam' record is then left with no 'gev' records. And sometimes the
'gev' records of a 'sam' record get completely lost.

The really weird thing is that based on the executed queries (using SQL
monitor), all seems fine. The query executed for the sub-pipeline is


This results in the following (correct) sample data
909, Anopav Strip, Xn
740, Anti Schimmel, Xi
931, "Anti Taret" - "Tegen Paalworm", Xn
887, Anti-Mos, Xn
887, Anti-mos, O
550, Antimoss, Xi

which results in the following (incorrect) report with missing subreport
909 Anapov Strip
740 Anti Schimmel
931 "Anti Taret" - "Tegen Paalworm"
887 Anti-Mos
550 Antimoss

Does anyone have any idea what might be going on here? I have no clue
what I might be doing wrong.

Thanks a lot.

Luc Feys


  • edited March 2005
    Tech Tip: Database Collation and Linking


    Linking DataViews in the ReportBuilder Data workspace (DADE), requires that
    the detail data be sorted by the linking fields. When DataViews are linked,
    DADE generates special linking SQL for the detail DataView. The linking SQL
    (Magic SQL) can be viewed by positioning the mouse over the DataView window
    and pressing Ctrl + Left Mouse button. The results of the Magic SQL query
    can be viewed by pressing Shift + Left Mouse button.

    ReportBuilder's DataPipeline architecture includes support for linked data
    traversal. Whenver the record position of the master data changes, the
    traversal logic compares the master and detail field link values and then
    determines where to locate the record position for the related detail data.
    The linking logic will only work properly if the Database engine's collation
    of the detail query result set is in sync with ReportBuilder's internaly
    field link comparison logic.

    Typically the database engine can be configured to use various language
    drivers which control the collation order used to sort query results.

    ReportBuilder contains two properties that can be configured to control the
    internal field link comparison:

    Designer.DataSettings.CollationType (ctASCII or ctANSI) and
    Designer.DataSettings.IsCaseSensitive (True/False). Using these properties
    results in one of 4 Delphi string comparison routines being used to compare
    string data:

    1. ctASCII

    a. IsCaseSensitive = True --> CompareStr
    b. IsCaseSensitive = False --> CompareText

    2. ctANSI

    a. IsCaseSensitive = True --> AnsiCompareStr
    b. IsCaseSensitive = False --> AnsiCompareText

    The current values for the Designer.DataSettings are used to create new
    DataViews. The DataView's internal TdaSQL object saves the
    Designer.DataSettings as part of the dataview's definition. The
    CollationType and IsCaseSensitive values are assigned any DataPipeline field
    links created for the dataview.

    Designer.DataSettings -----> QueryDataView
    |_ SQL object
    |_ DataPipeline.Links[]: TppMasterFieldLInk

    Therefore to modify the DataSettings once a query has been modified requires
    that the SQL object and the DataPipeline.Links be updated.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited March 2005

    thank you for your answer, but I still wasn't able to solve my problem.

    The link between the two datasets is on an integer field, so I would
    think the collation order is not of any importance then? I tried
    changing the collation from ctAscii to ctAnsi, but that makes no difference.

    I produced some data that might give you a clue of what I might be doing
    wrong, because I really have no idea what is going on.

    The main report shows the fields SamId, Nr and Name and is sorted on 'Nr'
    The subreport shows the fields SamId and Code and is linked to the main
    report on the SamId field. It is also sorted on the SamId field as
    required for joining datapipelines.

    This is the report as it is generated. You can see that the subdata for
    SamId 28 and 955 is shown as belonging to SamId 131.

    SamId Nr. Name
    131 498B Desinfectant Detergent
    SamId Code
    131 Xi
    28 Xn
    28 Xi
    955 C
    28 4988B Aseptypol
    955 4988B Aseptypol
    302 4989B Resacryl AS Antischimmel

    This is what it should have been (and also what I can see in the 'Magic

    SamId Nr. Name
    131 498B Desinfectant Detergent
    SamId Code
    131 Xi
    28 4988B Aseptypol
    SamId Code
    28 Xn
    28 Xi
    955 4988B Aseptypol
    SamId Code
    955 C
    302 4989B Resacryl AS Antischimmel

    Any clues? Does he get stuck on the ordering of the 'Nr' field? So would
    it be a collation problem after all? And if so, what could I do to solve it?

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions anyone might have.

    Luc Feys
  • edited March 2005

    Create a simple, minimal example that we can run here. Use standard Delphi
    components and RB. Use DBDemos or create some MS Access or paradox data that
    we can run here. Send in zip format to support@digital-metaphors.com.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited March 2005

    I tried to create an example project, but I can't reproduce the problem
    with paradox.

    Paradox sorts the records like this: 4988B, 4989B, 498B
    while Oracle sorts them like this: 498B, 4988B, 4989B
    And in this case the sortorder is what is causing the problem.

    I guess internally ReportBuilder expects a sortorder like the one
    paradox provides (because there the report is generated OK), but gets
    confused with the sortorder Oracle provides.

    Is it possible that reportbuilder, when trying to match the detail
    records to the master records, compares other fields of the master and
    detail pipelines than only the join-field (which in my case is an
    integer which should not cause any collation problems)?

    If that would be useful to you, I could create an example for Oracle,
    but I guess the language settings of the oracle database might have to
    be set to 'belgian dutch' to reproduce the problem exactly.

    I tried setting the CollationType of the designer to both ctAnsi and
    ctAscii, but this does not make any difference. I checked the saved
    reportfiles to make sure the CollationType setting was set correctly for
    the TdaSQL object of the report, which was the case.

    Any suggestions on how I could resolve or work around this problem? Or
    how I could provide you with a sample project you could use to verify
    this problem?

    Thanks a lot.

    Luc Feys
  • edited March 2005

    From your response I recommend that you re-read the article that I posted
    before. Please let me know if you have specific questions about it. No where
    in the article does it say that RB expects the data to be sorted like
    paradox. In fact we have customers using Oracle, SQL Server and just about
    any and every database engine that Delphi developers use.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited March 2005
    Hello Nard,

    I think I have read the article about 20 times by now and I still can't
    figure out what I might be doing wrong.

    *) My detail data is sorted on the link field
    *) The link field between the two datasets is an integer. I presume this
    makes the CollationType and IsCaseSensitive settings of the datapipeline
    of no importance since they are being used to determine 'the STRING
    comparison routines being used to compare STRING data'
    *) Are there any other considerations to keep in mind?

    The data of my master report is (as available in the data preview on the
    data tab of the reportdesigner). The data is sorted on 'Nr'.
    SamId Nr
    131 498B
    28 4988B
    955 4988B
    302 4989B

    The 'magic' data of my detail report is (as available in the data
    preview on the data tab of the reportdesigner). The data is sorted on
    'Nr' and 'SamId')
    SamId Code SamId Code
    131 498B 131 Xi
    28 4988B 28 Xn
    28 4988B 28 Xi
    955 4988B 955 C

    Still the reportgenerator does not seem to be able to correctly match
    the linking fields ('SamId' in both pipelines) since this is the
    resulting report (notice the incorrect lines in the subreport: the
    detail 'SamId' does not always match the parent 'SamId')
    SamId Nr
    131 498B
    SamId Code
    131 Xi
    28 Xn
    28 Xi
    955 C
    28 4988B
    955 4988B
    302 4989B

    I don't know if this example gives you any clue of what might be going
    wrong. If you want I can create an Oracle example to reproduce the
    problem. But I can not reproduce it in Paradox or Access.

    If sending you an Oracle example is not an option, could you please
    point me to the rbuilder unit(s) where the actual link field traversal
    and comparison is implemented? I could then try to debug the code myself
    to get a better view on what is going on so I can provide you with more

    I must say I am getting a bit desperate, since I haven't moved one step
    forward on this matter for over a week now.

    Thanks in advance for you help.

    Luc Feys
  • edited July 2005

    I have been able to solve the problem related to oracle sortorder I had
    a few months ago. I just post the solution here so others might benefit
    from it. After all, it took me a while to figure it all out.

    The situation:
    *) If you work with subreports in end-user reports reportbuilder creates
    'magic sql' for the subreport datasets, so only 1 query has to be
    executed to retrieve all subreport data. This 'magic sql' results in a
    'magic dataset' whith the same sortorder as the master dataset (apart
    from the addition sortfields in the subreport dataset).
    *) Records in the subreport dataset are then linked to the master
    records based on the linking fields. One important point to note here is
    that when the master dataset is sorted on certain fields, reportbuilder
    creates additional linking fields for those sort fields.
    *) To find the related records for each master record in the subreport
    dataset reportbuilder then performs a comparison on the linking fields
    using the Delphi CompareStr and AnsiCompareStr functions. And since both
    datasets are equally sorted this step is pretty simple and both datasets
    can be traversed forwardly.
    *) But in order for this comparison to succeed the sortorder of the
    datasets is crucial, and that's where my trouble began: Oracle NLS
    sortorder is different from AnsiCompareStr sortorder, which sometimes
    resulted in an incorrect match of the linking fields, and thus mixed up
    subreport data.

    The solution:
    The solution was to create an Oracle sortorder that matches the
    AnsiCompareStr sortorder. Starting from Oracle 9 this is pretty easy and
    well documented. The problem was I had to get it done on Oracle 8i.
    But I was lucky, the procedure described in the Oracle 9 documentation
    can also be used on Oracle 8i. So I defined a new sortorder using the
    Oracle 9 'locale builder' tool and then compiled it using the 'lxinst'
    tool of my Oracle 8i installation. All that was left to do then was to
    change the sortorder in my application by using an 'alter session set
    nls_sort=my_sort' at application startup. No more mixed up data in my
    customers reports. End of nightmare.

  • edited July 2005

    Congrats on solving the issue and thank you for sharing this information :)

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors Corporation

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.