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How to prevent Datapipeline from sending notifications to linked components on adding new fields

edited May 2009 in Datapipelines

I have a report with many visual components linked to a pipeline.

Now, before the Report.Print is called, I add some fields to that
pipeline, which results in calling DoOnDataChange for each field added
inside of TppCustomDataPipeline.AddChild. Therefore, each of the linked
components is being updated as many times, as many fields are added,
since it's a listener of the notification ppopDataChange. It takes a lot
of time!

How can I prevent that datapipeline from sending notifications to linked
components or else how to prevent the components from reacting to the
notification before I actually print the report?

Is there another way beside looping through the linked components and
removing them from the notification list with its finally restoring?

Thanks a lot!

Leo Kaploun


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