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ppDBText in unicode

edited June 2009 in Datapipelines

I recently noticed a weird thing on my reports when trying to print
fields having chinese or korean characters.
If I use a ppDBText as the output type, it would print only squares (and
numbers if any), but when I replace it by ppDBMemo it prints just fine.
Am I doing something wrong or is this a real issue.

I'm using MS SQL Server 2005 which returns unicode characters properly
but in this case the DB doesn't really matter aslong as it displays the
correct value using ppDBMemo.



  • edited June 2009

    To display Unicode characters you need...

    Delphi 2009 and RB 11

    Use a Font that supports Unicode

    Make sure you have the relevant Windows Language support installed (this
    varies by Windows version)

    For future questions, please include your environment info: Windows version,
    Delphi version, RB version, etc.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited June 2009
    I'm using D2009 with RB 11 on Windows XP SP3.
    As far as I'm aware of both Arial and Tahoma support unicode.

  • edited June 2009
    Thanks for the quick reply.

    Here is the missing info:

    My OS is Windows XP SP3,
    I'm using D2009 with RB Enterprise 11.04

    The font I was using to display the desired text in unicode is Arial for
    both ppDBText and ppDBMemo. In the meantime I figured out that by
    changing Arial to Tahoma the ppDBText displayed the correct string in
    unicode aswell. Still weird why for Arial it didn't work?

    - Sandor -

  • edited June 2009
    Hi Sandor,

    I believe the standard Arial Truetype font does not support Unicode. There
    is a Arial Unicode MS font available. Perhaps this would give you the
    results you are after.



    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
This discussion has been closed.