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Deriving my own group-object from TppGroups

edited July 2009 in Datapipelines

I want to change the behaviour of the TppGroups, so that it will only print
groupheaders and footers in certain conditions.
I don't like to change the RB sourcecode of course, but inheriting rom TppGroups
is made very difficult as there are only a few methods and functions that
are declared virtual!

I would esp like the function CheckFroBreak and ForceBreak to be virtual
so i can override them.

Are there any plans on broadening the number of virtual functions, or does
anybody know an alternative way for achieving this?

Bas Schouten


  • edited July 2009

    One possible approach for controlling group header/footer visibility is to
    implemnent event-handlers for each band.BeforePrint event to toggle the
    band's Visible property.

    It is not currently possible to create band or group descendants. Those are
    a couple of areas of the product that cannot be extended.

    It is possible to create component descendants (descend from Printable,
    Component, Stretchable, etc).

    As a side note, we do from time to time re-declare methods as virtual in
    response to customer requests.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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