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Pipeline in report created with ReportExplorer

edited July 2009 in Datapipelines

I'm fiddling with the Demoproject Enduser databases\NexusDB and trying to
get this to work on a nexus database with the data to report on.
I'v got the datadictionary correctly filled with metadata, linked the Buildersettings
to the actual data database, linked the datasettings from the designer-component
to the actual data database, and i have a reference from the designer to
the data-dictionary, and it all starts.

When i try to create a new report from the report explorer, it does so very
nicely, but the report doesnt contain any datapipelines!! So that is pretty
useless i would think.

What am i doing wrong??? How and where does the ReportExplorer or Datadictionary
transfers its meta-information about the database to the report-designer?


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