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Minimum number of records...

edited July 2009 in Datapipelines

Is it possible to print a minimum number of rows using a TBDEPipeline,
regardless of the number of records returned by a query ?

I want to print a list of "Parts used", which will be completed handwritten
by a mechanic.
So, for example, 6 records are returned by the query, but I want to fill the
form (detail band) with 14 more empty records (just dotted lines)
to give a mechanic some space to fill in some more data by hand.

I am using a TppBDEPipline.

I know how to do it with a JIT-pipeline (by setting the recordcount), but I
am stuck with the TppBDEPipeline....(RangeEndCount maybe ?)


Dirk Janssens.


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