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Dataviews saved in template not working after loading them

edited October 2009 in Datapipelines

I'v added a Nexus dataview to a report in code. The report is saved to a
template table with SaveToDatabase.
When i retrieve the report later on with LoadFromDatabase,the dataviews are
created as expected. But when i try to open the datapipeline associated with
it (Dataview[0].Datapipeline[0]) it says it can't open the database!!

Is there a property that isnt saved when streaming the report to the template
file? should i execute or set some things after loading it?

ANy help appreciated!



  • edited October 2009
    I think i have found the solution myself...

    After calling Dataview.OutOfSync and Dataview.Sync the link with the database
    is restored and everythin seems to be working
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