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RB 7 TppField Sort and SortOrder

edited June 2010 in Datapipelines
I need to dynamically sort my reports. The TppDBPipeline contains the
TppFields and they have the Sort and SortOrder properties. I have tried
setting the Sortable, Sort and SortOrder before opening the TDataSet. I
have also tried after opening and it seems to have no affect on the order of
the detail section of the report.

TDataSet is connected to a stored procedure. Do you all have any

Bryan Shaw


  • edited June 2010
    Hi Bryan,

    The pipelines or fields do not have the capability of sorting your data.
    They simply retrieve the data from the dataset as-is and send it to the
    report to be displayed. If you need to sort the data that is displayed
    inside the report, you will need to do so in the dataset you are connecting
    to (usually using the Order By command in SQL code).


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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