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how to walk through the different records

edited July 2010 in Datapipelines
I'm working with the Report Builder and one question came up.
I don't have any idea how to walk through the different records (one by
one) of one datapipeline.
I'm familiar with Microsoft Access and expect that the Report Builder
has similar functions than:


I didn't find any solution until now and hope that somebody can give me
a hint or a small code example.
It would be nice to get a small code example. ;-)

My idea is something like that:
Var i,x:Integer, Pipeline:TppDataPipeline;

Pipeline:=Cities; Cities is the name of the pipeline
Pipeline.first move the datapointer to the first record
x:= cities.reccount Count of records within the pipeline
cities.next; move the datapointer to the next record
until cities.eof; Abort criteria: end of pipeline reached?


Thanks for your help!

A. Loeser


  • edited July 2010

    I'm a bit unclear about what you are trying to accomplish. The
    DataPipelines are not designed to be manually traversed, the report will
    traverse them automatically when it is generating. Are you trying to
    generate a single report for each record in your dataset? If so, you can do
    this by either creating a group for each record or using the Autosearch
    feature to filter out the data you do not want.

    Take a look at the demos located in the \Demos\1. Reports\... and \Demos\3.
    AutoSearch for examples of how this can be done.


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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