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Custom menu for the designer calc tab

edited July 2006 in End User
I am using D5 and D7 with RBuilder 7.03 on Windows 2000 and XP Pro. How
would I go about customising the help menu in the calc tab of the report
designer? I can customise the designer menu ok, but this only gives me
access to the design and preview tabs, not the calc or data tabs. I want to
give my end users access to a help file with tips on using RAP, so it needs
to be accessible from the calc tab as this is where most code gets written.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks,
Robin Glaze.


  • edited July 2006
    - To customize the Help see the article below

    - There is a Learning ReportBuilder and Learning ReportBuilder RAP end-user
    guides that contain excellent tutorials, the Learning ReportBuilder RAP
    focuses specifically on teaching RAP to end-users. These can be downloaded
    for free and freely redistributed.


    - It is also possible to customize the menu items for each workspace. For RB
    7.x, you can use the Designer OnTabChanged event to access the

    Customizing the Designer's Help Menu

    The TppDesigner.OnHelp event can be used to control what happens when the
    end-user requests help.

    The following is from the RBuilder.hlp file topic for TppDesigner.OnHelp:


    property OnHelp: TppHelpEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; var aHelpFile,
    aKeyphrase: String; var aCallHelp: Boolean) of object;


    Write an OnHelp event handler to perform special processing when the user
    requests help. The OnHelp event is triggered when the user makes a selection
    and clicks 'F1' or access the Help | Help Topics menu option.

    The aHelpFile parameter can take a file name or full path and file name. If
    the aCallHelp parameter is set to False, WinHelp will not be called.

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited July 2006
    Thanks Nard,

    I hadn't seen the Learning to RAP pdf, it is indeed excellent and contains
    many of the examples I had put in my custom help file (ho hum...). Your
    pointers have enabled me to completely customise the help menu in the three
    tabs. I note from your excerpt that the RBuilder help file is quite a bit
    more detailed than the one I have from version 7.03.

    Anyway thanks again!!


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