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OnCalc doesn't fire

edited September 2006 in End User
I have three Variables in my Summary band set to Calculate On Traversal. I
need a fourth Variable in the Summary band set to total the final values
from the first three variables:

Value := Variable1.Value + Variable2.Value + Variable3.Value

How do I set up the timing for this? If I set it to Calculate On ReportEnd,
the OnCalc never fires.


  • edited September 2006

    There are two approaches.

    1. Configure the CalcOrder for the Variables.

    Position the mouse over the band and press the right mouse button to display
    the context menu, then select Calc Order... to display the Calc Order

    2. Use a single Variable.OnCalc event to update all Variables.

    Variable1.Value := {some calc};
    Variable2.Value := {some other calc};
    VarTotal.Value := {some total calc};

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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