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Field Type Mismatch error in dataset or pipeline

edited June 2014 in Datapipelines
I am using Delphi XE2, ReportBuilder 14.08, IBObjects 5.5.x and Firebird
database 2.1.

I have an application where I create a report and its related components
programmatically. This has been working well until I upgraded IBObjects
to version 5 from version 4. I don't know if this problem is Report
Builder or IBObjects, but I will start here.

At runtime, after creating the necessary components for the report, the
dataset, datasource, pipeline and so on, when I assign the report's
pipeline property to the earlier created pipeline component I get an
error "Cannot generate report. Pipeline could not open Dataset.Type
mismatch for field x, expecting: string actual: unknown."

This error arises when the for this particular report, the dataset is
empty - the query does not return any values. If the dataset returns at
least one record everything works fine.

Thanks for any help offered.

Phil Horst


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