Need a ppCustomShape component
I neet a special CustomComponente, something like a ppShape but DataAware,
so it will be painted with the color assigned to the Fieldname.
This is what I'm trying to do:
If FieldName.AsString = 'clRed' then the shape will print in red.
Do you have some example of creating a ppcomponent from a ppShape control?
Where in code have I to write the algorithm?
Please, forgive my poor english
I neet a special CustomComponente, something like a ppShape but DataAware,
so it will be painted with the color assigned to the Fieldname.
This is what I'm trying to do:
If FieldName.AsString = 'clRed' then the shape will print in red.
Do you have some example of creating a ppcomponent from a ppShape control?
Where in code have I to write the algorithm?
Please, forgive my poor english
This discussion has been closed.
IsDataAware won't work because the deisgner is coded to try to show the
possible shapetypes in the toolbar and not show the data pipeline and
datafield boxes. So, you'll have to create a dialog from the popup menu for
htis component. I have a demo which shows a dialog for a shape component to
edit another property, but you can use it as a starting point to set teh
data pipeline and data fields to be used by the shape. Now that you have
the datapipeline and data field, you can get this value and set it in the
overriden public PropertiesToDrawcommand routine to configure the draw
command brush color.
procedure TmyShape.PropertiesToDrawCommand(aDrawCommand: TppDrawCommand);
inherited PropertiesToDrawCommand(aDrawCommand);
if CheckForPipelineData and
(DataPipeline.GetFieldValue(DataField).AsDouble < 5000.0) then
TppDrawShape(aDrawCommand).Brush.Color := clRed
TppDrawShape(aDrawCommand).Brush.Color := clGreen;
I'll email you the other project in zip format.
Jim Bennett
Digital Metaphors
and in the OnDrawPaintbox event, fill the ClipRect with the color of the field
OnDrawPaintbox (aCanvas : TCanvas; ClipRect : TRect)
if FieldName.AsString = 'clRed' then
aCanvas.Brush.Color := clRed
if FieldName.AsString = 'clBlue' then
aCanvas.Brush.Color := clBlue;
Daniel Lemire
Conception Design Ware Inc.
Tél.: 819-868-8853
Fax : 819-868-8855
but thanks for the suggestion!!
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