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daDBExpress and compiler error - version 12.4

edited May 2011 in End User
Having had compiler errors when attempting to recompile an old D2007
End User Reporting app using Delphi XE, I resorted to compiling the
virgin EndUser.dproj example from

"C:\Users\Public\Documents\RBuilder\Delphi XE\Demos\4. EndUser
Databases\InterBase\2. dbExpress"

Unfortunatly, it fails to compile.

When the project opens I see ErrorInsight has highlighted daDBExpress -
the hover text reveals "Cannot resolve unit name 'daDBExpress'". Note -
** no compile yet **.

Compiling gives :
[DCC Fatal Error] myEURpt.pas(73): F2051 Unit daDBExpress was compiled
with a different version of SqlExpr.TSQLConnection

I'm running Delphi XE on Win 2007 Enterprise.

Does this indicate that the 12.4 RBuilder install is broken for XE, or
an I missing something?

This machine is a new Delphe XE machine - never had an older Delphi
version on it.

Any help woud be VERY greatfully received - I'm badly stuck.




  • edited May 2011
    Hi Rob,

    The scenario happens every so often where Embarcadero will release an
    update or fix to Delphi between minor releases of ReportBuilder.
    Generally they try to keep all updates interface compatible however
    DBExpress tends to ignore this rule.

    To work around the issue, simply copy the daDBExpress.pas file from the
    \RBuilder\Source\... directory into your \RBuilder\Lib\... directory and
    rebuild the application. This will create a new .dcu file that can be
    used from here on out.

    The next release of ReportBuilder will include the updated .dcu file
    (and will require Update 1 for Delphi XE).


    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited May 2011

    Many thanks Nico :-)
This discussion has been closed.