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Printing to RTF and/or PDF

edited September 2002 in Devices
We've been playing with both the Pragnaan and TExtradevices components to
achieve the above results. The reports by design have to include TppRichText
fields. From the start neither package handles it well. We have been in
contact with both vendors, and while the folks over at Pragnaan fixed
several bugs in their package (It works great with Word 97 / Word 8), they
seem to be less than helpful in fixing bugs found when attempting to open
.RTF output in either Word 9 or 10 (2000 or XP).

To date we have only gotten one reply from Waler to download the most recent
version and he'd get back to me. That was two weeks ago.

Does anyone know of a package that does what we need (Export RB file to .RTF
which can then be opened CORRECTLY, without blowing up formatting)? I'd hate
to drop RB, but if I can't get output into Word, I may have to. (God help me
if I have to go back to Crystal Reports.........)

Christopher Yoder
Sr. Programmer
Steven J. Baum, P.C.


  • edited September 2002

    Try using PsRBExportDevices - Export Devices component from Pragnaan. I
    used this and I was able to convert to PDF and RTF file. You can download
    from the path http://www.pragnaan.com/rb/index.html

    Rajeev R

  • edited September 2002
    Did you actaully read my post? Pragnaan was mentioned repeatedly...

    Christopher Yoder
    Sr. Programmer
    Steven J. Baum, P.C.
  • edited September 2002
    Pragnaan and Waler are the only two device vendors for RB at this time that
    we are aware of. Try to work with them to resolve this issue as they are the
    experts in creating the specific device output for rtf for our draw command
    architecture. Another option is to create your own device which does create
    the desired output that is formatted the way you would like it for MS Word.


    Jim Bennett
    Digital Metaphors

  • edited September 2002

    I'm just curious what things are blowing up. I am using the WPTools stuff
    the RTF with the newest Pragnaan stuff (they just added WPTools support)
    and I have not seen a problem yet. Is it any RTF or could you give a
    that creates a problem. I could try it with the WPTools RTF and see if it
    the same problem.


    Joseph Gordon

  • edited September 2002
    Attached is a zip file that contains a few samples of the problems that
    we've noticed with the Pragnaan stuff.

    Included is a changed demo unit for the base DM reporting demo #28 that
    produces the main error we have been able to notice. When viewing the
    Spanning.rtf file in Word 97 the output matches the RB output perfectly, yet
    on Word 2000 and Word 2002 the bottom line of text in the generated text box
    either chops off part or all of the bottom line of text. The line
    information is still accessible in the text box, but in order to view the
    data the text box needs to be manually scrolled down. I am still waiting to
    hear back from Pragnaan on a solution that seems to work in recent version
    of Word.

    Also included is a file called "Damaged-Letter.rtf" which when opened on
    Word 2000 and Word 2002 would cause Word to crash when the page is scrolled
    down to the bottom. Updating to the latest service pack for Office XP (Word
    2002) stopped the crashing from occurring in Word 2002. I cannot verify
    whether or not updating to the latest service pack for Office 2000 fixed the
    problem or not as the update process for Office 2000 ate the installation of
    Word 2000 and I had to reinstall the pre-service pack version to be able to
    open any document.

    Let me know if you can duplicate any of these with WPTools RTF.

    Michael Simons
    Software Programmer
    Steven J. Baum P.C.

  • edited September 2002
    Chris and Michael,

    In keeping you informed of what's happening, we are on this case. We are not
    seeing the Word 2K crash here but we can see that the text at bottom is not

    We should have a reply for you by end of this week.

    Girish Patil
    Pragnaan Software

  • edited September 2002
    It's working fine here under Word 2000 (9.0.4402 SR-1) as well. So looks
    like you need to apply the update.

    We are looking at the hidden text issue.

    Girish Patil
    Pragnaan Software

  • edited September 2002
    "Girish Patil" wrote in message
  • edited September 2002
    It's going on 8 days since you posted this message and this is the last
    we've heard from you...any news?...we're expecting to go live with our
    software as early as next week.

    Michael Simons
    Software Programmer
    Steven J. Baum P.C.

  • edited September 2002
    I'm sorry for these delays... we are able to get it all to show properly in
    Word XP but not in Word 2K. We are looking into it and should be able to
    suggest a solution in a couple of days.

    Girish Patil
    Pragnaan Software

  • edited September 2002
    We seem to have a solution now to the hidden text issue. You should be
    getting the fixed version shortly.

    Girish Patil

This discussion has been closed.