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Direct output with hardcoded escape sequences

edited February 2003 in Devices
I need to send hardcoded character escape sequences to a printer, before and
after a database text field. There should also be no page formatting in the
output stream, as though this were done by writing directly to the printer
itself. Is there an easy way to do this using Report Builder?

For example:


Where the "*****" above represents the database field, everything else is
hardcoded. The sample represents one label for a specialized barcode
printer. The next label would simply follow the same format but with a
different "*****" value. Again no formatting, just a stream of characters.

Thanks - Jon Gray


  • edited February 2003
    Hi Jon,

    checkout 'TExtraDevices' from www.waler.com. I would ask James via email 'support@waler.com' directly.

    New PRN device available that automatically formats your report for dot matrix printers
    It includes options for continuous paper, characters per inch, lines per inch and port
    This new device greatly simplifies the creation of dot matrix reports within RB. Just
    design your report following your charcter/line spacing selected within the options
    and call print. At that time the device will translate the report to printer escape codes for dot
    matrix printers and sent the report directly to the port specified in the options. You can
    also send the report with escape codes directly to a file for later printing.
    Some of the features:
    - Faster printing since you are not using graphic drivers
    - Font bold, underline & italics are preserved from your report layout
    - Advanced memo handling for side by side memos
    - Continuous paper option for receipt printers
    - User specified port for final report or save to file with escape format

    Chris Ueberall;
  • edited February 2003
    Thanks Chris.

    I've got Waler devices and haven't been able to get the rsClientReport to
    dump straight text from a stored report using any of the devices. Maybe
    James will jump in now or I will contact him directly.

    Jon Gray

  • edited February 2003
    It looks like I am able to output the characters using the PRN device but it
    looks like I'm still getting printer setup codes for lines per inch and
    pitch. Is there anyway to turn off the printer setup information being

    Thanks - Jon Gray

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