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RTF: Probel w/ Waler TExtraDevices

edited February 2004 in Devices
I have a report (actually, about 120 of 'em) in our application.

I implemented TExtra devices, and the stuff looks pretty good, except I am
having trouble with RTF format.

When I call up the generated document (Word 2003), many of the lines are set
to spacing of EXACTLY 73.4 point. Needless to say, I end up with very
little information on a page.

Properties are as follows:
Visible := True;
ItemsToExport := [reText,(*, reImage, reLine, reShape,*)
reRTF, reBarCode, reCheckBox];
PixelFormat := pf32bit;
PixelsPerInch := 96;
RichTextAsImage := True;
UseTextBox := True;

The PDF and HTML versions look perfect. It's just the RTF that's giving me
I may be confused, but I believe that when I first loaded and used the
components, RTF looked fine. I changed RichTextAsImage and UseTextBox to
False to see what would happen, and that was when the report got all messed
up. Changing them back doesn't seem to help.

I could post the RTF and PDF output if it would help.




  • edited February 2004
    RichTextAsImage and UseTextBox only apply to RichEdit controls.
    If you do not have any of these on your report it will not affect the output.
    RTF is the most problematic format since it does not support pixel
    level positioning like a canvas. For the best results, make sure your
    report objects do not overlap and are top aligned across the page.

    If you send me a report template (RTM) file I can adjust it to show
    you what I mean.

    James Waler
    Waler Ltd
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