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How do I access the devmode structure?

edited June 2006 in Devices
HI. I see that there are methods to get or set the devmode structure. They
are procedures, so it does not look like I need to define a variable of
pdevmode in my local application. I know that the field within the devmode
structure that I need access to is dmFormName. I presume that you have a
variable declared as public that I can reference after doing the setdevmode.
Can you please tell me the variable name?


procedure setformattribute;
var printerhandle :Thandle;
{get dev mode that reflects printer control panel}

??????????.dmformname:= 'PrePrinted';

{set ppPrinter dev mode}



  • edited June 2006

    1. www.digital-metaphors.com/tips/SavePrinterDevMode.zip

    2. I also recommending checking out RBuilder\Source\ppPrintr.pas, the method

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited June 2006
    Hello again. I guess I did not make myself clear. I HAVE looked at the
    SavePrinterDevMode project. The following code was in there. I see that
    the GetDevMode method is used to set the properties to the printer and the
    setdevmode is used to save the properties to some unseen variable containing
    the data structure of DevMode within the Reportbuilder library. I need to
    set properties without showing the propertiesdialog. Basically I want to
    set something within that unseen data structure that the GetDevMode is
    using. I do not know how to reference that unseen data structure without
    the user interface dialog box. The methods are returning a handle from the
    printer. From what I know of handles, that is really more like an address
    on the network of where the printer is but tells you nothing about the
    printer. I cannot do FDevMode^.dmformname:='something'; because fdevmode is
    a handle, not a pointer to the record or variable.

    Now that I have made myself as clear as I know how, can you please give me
    an example of directly setting a printer property, bypassing the
    ppPrinter.ShowPropertiesDialog ?

    procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    {clear current dev mode}

    {get dev mode that reflects printer control panel}

    {set ppPrinter dev mode}

    {show properties dialog for the printer and save the devmode}
    if ppPrinter.ShowPropertiesDialog then

  • edited June 2006

    Thanks for the providing the additional information. Please re-read my post,
    I believe my second suggestion provides the answer. :)

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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