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Tracking down change in behaviour between RB7 and RB10

edited January 2008 in Devices

We are trying to track down the reasons to a specific problem which has
appeared after switching from RB7(.04) to RB10(.06).

This is the scenario:

1. Application built with RB 10.06
- A product label report exists and in the rtm-file is defined
PrinterSetup.PrinterName = 'Defailt'
- The default printer for the user is eg. a laser printer
- When printing the product label the RB printer dialog offers the default
laser printer as printer. (Correct)
- The user selects another printer, ie. the label printer from the dropdown
list and prints out the label report
- Result: The output is offset either to the left or to the right so much
that all the text of the report is not visible on the label.
Workaround: Setting the user default printer to the label printer or
changing the PrinterSetup.PrinterName in the RTM-file to be the label
printer (so that it is presented as default in the RB printer dialogue)
gives the correct output result without offsets.

2. Application built with RB 7.04
- The output is correct even if the label printer is not default for the
user or in the RTM-file.

- Any ideas on if this might be due to some changes between RB7 and RB10?
- If we want to step through the code to see what is happening and what
might be causing this, which pas-files and which functions in these
pas-files should we consider putting break points in?



  • edited January 2008

    Have not heard of this before.

    The unit ppProd.pas, the method TppProducer.PrintToPrinter would be one
    place to put a break point. The method shows the print dialog and then
    towards the bottom there is some code that checks whether the user chose a
    different printer...

    FResetEngineAfterPrinting := True;
    Producing := False;
    Producing := True;

    The main purpose is to clear the page cache and reset the report, so that
    the will regenerate the pages.

    In ppPrintr.pas, there is method, TppCustomPrinter.DeviceContextChanged that
    calculates the printable page area and page gutters for the printer. This
    information is used to position the elements on the page.

    You can also try creating a simple test case, using standard Delphi
    components, RB, and the DBDemos data. Zip it up and email to
    support@digital-metaphors.com. Also specify the label printer you are using
    so that we can try to download a driver.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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