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Re: Unable to format in Excel 2000

edited August 2011 in Devices
Thanks for the info Nard -

The Excel 2000 issues are perhaps one upgrade away from being a non issue.
Since the sheet can be modified in other ways it's not running read-only.
Just really strange the format cells dialog won't even open.

The font change in 2003 / 2007 when you click the currency button is more of
an issue. Does your default font in Excel 2010 happen to be the same font as
the report you are changing?

Thanks again for looking into this - Jon Gray.


  • edited August 2011

    Default font for the spreadsheet is Arial for Win XP and earlier and Calibri
    for Windows Vista and later. I am using Win 7, so default is Calibri and my
    test report has a Times New Roman font.
    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
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