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Excel Export: Office File Validation

edited August 2011 in Devices
Hi guys.

I am using the new Report Builder Version 12.05 Build 251 with Delphi XE.
When i export an report to excel and open it i allways get the warning:
"Office File Validation: There is a problem opening the file".
After opening the file another warning appears:
"File-Error: The number-format may have been lost".

Has anyone an idea how i can fix these problems?

Kind regards!



  • edited August 2011
    Try to determine what type of number format is causing the error. Create an
    empty report layout and export it to XLSReport and then open it. Now
    incrementally add elements from the report that causes the error and test at
    each step. Once you have determine the cause, create a simple example that
    we can build and run here and send in zip format to support@. Please use
    standard Delphi components and RB. Use the DBDemos data or export some data
    to TClientDataSets.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2011
    Hi Nard,

    thanks for your answer.
    I created a completly empty report and tried to export it to excel using the
    following code:

    ARep.DeviceType := 'XLSReport';
    ARep.TextFileName := AFileName;
    ARep.AllowPrintToFile := True;
    ARep.XlsSettings.OpenXlsFile := True;
    ARep.XLSSettings.ExportComponents := [ecText,ecLine];


    Even with an empty report i get the message "Office File Validation: There
    is a problem opening the file".

    It is possible to open the file, but why i get this message or is it correct
    to get this message?

    Kind regards.

  • edited August 2011
    Older versions of Excel work fine, Excel 2010 has some security validation
    that MS added to prevent virus/malware xls files from running on your
    computer. The RB files are safe, we are continuing to research a solution to
    prevent the error message from appearing. The file can opened and edited.
    You can also use the Excel 2010 trust center to specify directory locations
    that are safe and that will prevent the validation from occurring.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited August 2011
    Ah, i see.
    Thank you!

  • edited September 2011
    Hi Nard,

    is there still any solution to prevent the error message from appearing?

    Kind regards

  • edited October 2011
    Hi guys,

    is this error fixed with the new version Report Builder 14?

    Kind regards

  • edited October 2011
    Have spent quite a bit of time researching this and will continue to do so,
    but no solution to date.

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors

    Best regards,

    Nard Moseley
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited December 2011
    Hi Nard,

    are there any news about this problem?

    Regards Markus

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