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PDF Print To File Issue

edited September 2011 in Devices

RB 12.04 Build 77 - (previously installed a Delphi .pas patch for RB PDF
I am generating a one page certificate type report. The call to the report

fmPrintInspection.ppReport1.Device := dvScreen; (So the user can preview the

The user is presented with the print dialog previewing the report page. The
problem occurs when selecting print to file in the print dialog.
The file output has been limtied to only PDF. After selecting a destination
for the report and clicking OK, the progress dialog flickers on the screen
alternating between page -1 and 0 of page 1. The report is never saved to
the destination. Although if the printer output is directed to CutePDF, the
report is correctly saved to PDF.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Mike Malinowski


  • edited September 2011
    This is not a known issue with ReportBuilder 12.04. Do you get this
    behavior with every report?

    I highly suggest upgrading your version of ReportBuilder to 12.05. This
    is a free upgrade to registered RB 12 users. Contact
    info@digital-metaphors.com for upgrade instructions.

    If after upgrading you still have the issue, please create a simple
    example that demonstrates the problem and send it to
    support@digital-metaphors.com and I'll take a look at it for you.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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