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problem with RTF device output using rb 7 report

edited November 2011 in Devices
I am using delphi 2010 and rb 12.04
when printing to an rtf device an accounting report with 5 numeric right
aligned columns, the resulting report has most of the rows with numeric
values shifted over to the left, actually touching the previous value. also
left aligned labels have the caption truncated is autosize is true.
This report produced correct output in RB7 using tExtradevices.
Is there something i am missing?


  • edited December 2011
    Hi Carl,

    Updating to RB 12.05 should fix the truncated text issue. Contact
    info@digital-metaphors.com for upgrade instructions.

    The RTF device included with RB 12 does not have a concept of right
    aligned text or columns. It is generally made for text document export.

    For RB 14 we added the ability to export reports using text boxes which
    gives an exact representation of the report text (including alignment).
    This is similar to the way TExtraDevices worked.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
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