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JPEG images in PDF files

edited March 2013 in Devices

We are using RB 14.08 and have recently switched from using a 3rd
party PDF addon component to using the built-in RB PDF creation.

We are trying to increase the resolution of the jpg images a few of
the reports include, and have not had any luck. We tried adjusting the
PDFSettings.ImageCompressionLevel, but even when set to 1, the small
text on the images is illegible. Below is a snippet of code that sets
up the PDF output:

Report.PDFSettings.CompressionLevel := TppCompressionLevel(clMax);
Report.PDFSettings.ImageCompressionLevel := 1; // best quality
Report.PDFSettings.OptimizeImageExport := True;
Report.PDFSettings.ScaleImages := True;
Device := TppPDFDevice.Create(nil);
Device.PDFSettings := Report.PDFSettings;
Device.OutputStream := Str;
Device.Publisher := Report.Publisher;

Any suggestions?

Thanks - Joe


  • edited March 2013
    Hi Joe,

    Try setting ScaleImages to False. This will ensure the full image is
    exported into the space provided inside the PDF file rather than scaled
    down to fit.

    Best Regards,

    Nico Cizik
    Digital Metaphors
  • edited March 2013
    On 3/25/2013 11:17 AM, Nico Cizik (Digital Metaphors) wrote:

    Thank you Nico. That helped a lot. - Joe
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